Does Perfume has a shelf life or go bad? forums

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Sep 5, 2008
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I have some old perfume that I love and was wondering if it goes bad or has a shelf life.

yes, it certainly does. Also, light affects how long they last.

Perfumes keep longest stored inside their boxes out of direct sunlight

Also, where you store them makes a big difference. Heat, humidity, any dramatic temp changes on the perfumes change their scent. You don't want to store them in your bathroom cabinet for example.

You can tell when they've kind of gone bad. They don't smell the same.

I have a bottle of patchouli oil that a friend gave me twenty four years ago, and it's still good. I keep it in a black wooden box.

They definitely have a shelf life, if the color has changed or it doesn't smell the same, just toss it. I keep my bottles in their packaging inside a drawer, and never had any problem.

I've never thought of this. I keep my perfumes in the cupboard, along with the rest of my face care items, and they seem to keep well for a couple years, even when they have been opened before.

my sister is the worst - she has them out in her bathroom without their boxes. Eek!

Gosh- I don't guess I've ever really worried about this before. Hmmmm.....maybe I should move them out of my bathroom!

The bathroom is the worst place to store your fragrances in. They´re best kept in a dark, cool place away from sunlight. They should last at least a few years, many do last much longer if stored correctly.

I read that perfume lasts around 3 years. Then it starts to lose it original smell slowly.

I have smelled old testers in stores and they you know they are old they stink!

gosh I never knew they should be kept in a dark place I may move them into a drawer, I keep mine on my vanity directly across from the window!

I've never had any of my perfumes go bad on me...and i'm a bit of a perfume whore...i have like 5 or 6 bottles going at once

They certainly do! It's best to store them in a cool dark place and preferrably still in their boxes, heat and light are perfumes worst enemies! I have had ONE perfume of mine go bad on me, and that was because i left it out of its box sitting on my desk and it was in sunlight all day, it completely destroyed its smell and I had to chuck it.

I think they do...

I find that my perfumes smell different after a while...not always BAD, but different. It's like they're not so fresh anymore.

wow i never knew this...

maybe cuz my perfumes never last that long anyway..

