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May 15, 2013
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Hey Guys, So here's my issue, and maybe I can get some advice/input from you all. So, I love makeup. I have a decent size collection more than I need. I tried a no buy month, but that failed miserably. I think my problem is that I am afraid to hit pan on my products. I buy backups just in case, but I hardly go through them. I think I'm afraid that the products I hit pan on I'll never be able to get them after I use them up, which isn't the case for everything. I really want to save money, but this "hitting pan" thing freaks me out. I don't have a friend anyone close that can support me or even do the no buy thing with me. Any advice?

Seconding jesemiaud, come join us in the No/Low Buy thread. We'll help you with your no buy! 

As for being afraid of hitting pan... You said that you're afraid that if you use up a product, you'll never be able to get another one. This might be true in some cases (if a product is limited edition or discontinued) but you know what? The thing is that even if you can't get the exact same product, you can get something that's pretty much the same thing - or even better!

Products improve all the time and new innovative products are launched constantly. Have you given this thought: by buying back-ups, you're keeping yourself from being able to try out new things you might like even more than your current ones? Running out of a product and not being able to buy the exact same one is alright because then you can try out new things with a clear conscience (you're not adding to clutter by purchasing new stuff when you have old ones left). 

Also, hitting pan on products means that you're actually using them and getting your money's worth! This means you're not wasting money. It's one of the reasons I love hitting pan and using up stuff.

A lot of what I said might be self-evident but I hope this helps at least a little bit.

Thank you for your insight Mauu! I really do appreciate it! I know it's a late response. I've never really thought about it that way. Trying new products might actually be beneficial for myself, and keep me entertained with my routine! I have actually started putting all my empties in a bag and I am determined to start using things up and not waste my money. I've spent alot of makeup and beauty products. Thanks again!
