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Sep 27, 2003
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Coloring your hair at home vs. having a color done by a professional at a salon, which one is your choice and why? I used to color my hair at home and had a couple of color disasters only because I wanted to try a different shade. Just recently I started having my hair colored at a salon. I actually had a full weave done and I like the result because it looks pretty natural. I'm not fully convinced though that paying the money for having a professional do it is really worth it especially on a regular basis since a lot of the drugstore brands are pretty good these days.

Originally Posted by Reija(admin) Coloring your hair at home vs. having a color done by a professional at a salon, which one is your choice and why? I used to color my hair at home and had a couple of color disasters only because I wanted to try a different shade. Just recently I started having my hair colored at a salon. I actually had a full weave done and I like the result because it looks pretty natural. I'm not fully convinced though that paying the money for having a professional do it is really worth it especially on a regular basis since a lot of the drugstore brands are pretty good these days. Well naturally I'm going to say always have it done by a professional. Reason being, they know what they're doing! I get a lot of panic phone calls from women saying they colored their hair and its a total wreck. Corrective color can be SO expensive too, not worth it in the long run. Drug store color isn't as exact as pro color either. However, I see a lot of great at-home color too, not at-home highlites, that always looks a little funky but, all over color is safer only when you know what your color is. I agree it can be very expensive to have it done by a pro. But you say you have full highlites so luckly you only have to get highlites every 6-9 weeks, depending on how quick your hair grows. I have my hair highlited every 5 weeks and all over color every 3 weeks because I'm a freak about my color. My best advise is if you're going to have it done at a salon but are affraid of the results, ask women you see who's hair you like who does their hair, trust me they love it. Whenever I see someone with awesome hair I ask and honestly 9 times out of 10 they say a stylist that is well know. Good Luck!