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Oct 12, 2017
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Yoga can be incredibly beneficial to our health.

The word yoga has multiple meanings including "union", "integration" and "discipline" and comes from the ancient Sanskrit language spoken by the traditional religious elite of India, the Brahmins.

It has become extremely popular.

Yoga has become the new exercise du jour in recent years.

And according to YogaJournal.com, more than 20.4 million Americans practice Yoga (estimated study year: 2012), compared to 15.8 million from their 2008 study

It's an increase of 29 percent in just 4 short years.

And it's certainly getting everyone from A-list celebs to your neighbors getting Zen moments, humming OM on a bi-daily basis. Apparently, that's for a good reason.

Practicing yoga has serious health benefits, from boosting your immunity, improving sleep quality, reducing stress, to even upping your sex drive.

Yoga is far more than just physical exercise.

Its practice is known to bring internal transformation and unity between your mind and body.

It also centers and brings balance to all aspects of life.


1. Four Limbed Staff Pose: Chaturanga Dandasana

This amazing full-body strength, arms and core pose will challenge you both physically and mentally. It strengthens the arms, wrists and tones and strengthens the abdominal area.


- Begin by laying facedown on your Yoga mat with your arms alongside your body.

- Bend your elbows and slide your hands up to your chest level with your plans flat, facing down.

- Tuck your toes under, and on an exhalation, lift your torso in and up and press your plans and toes down, as you lift whole body a few inches above the mat.

- Forming a straight long line from your head to heels and continue to lift your knee high, engaging the front of your thighs.

- Try to hold this position for 20-30 seconds, and then relax back down onto the mat and repeat for several times.

2. Cobra Pose -  Bhujangasana

The name comes from the Sanskrit words, bhujanga. It means “snake” or “serpent” and in asana, it means “posture” or “seat”.

Is a common Yoga back bend pose. When you perform the cobra pose, you stretch the front of the torso and the spine.

You take a deep inhalation breath and notice how your torso and spine naturally extend or elongate. During this opening phase of the breathing cycle, bring attention to how you feel peace and inviting energy through your spine as you bend backwards.

The cobra posture (pose) increases the flexibility and strength of the muscles of your arms, shoulders, back and core. Very much like a pushups or a plank does. The Cobra emphasizes strengthening the upper-back, opens the chest, increases lung capacity, and stimulates energy flows to the kidneys and the adrenals.


- Lie facedown on your stomach with your legs straight back, spread at hip width apart and the tops of your feet facing the yoga mat on the floor.

- Resting your forehead on the mat and relax your neck and shoulders; bend your elbows and place your forearms on the Yoga mat with your palms face-down and positioned near your head. Please click here to see the video from Yoga.com

- Breathing diaphragmatically, as you inhale, pull down your shoulders and engage your back muscles, press your forearms against the mat, and raise your upper-body off the mat. Looking straight ahead, keep your forearms and the front of your body pelvis on the floor, try to relax your shoulders and keep down away from your ears.

- Exhale and slowly lower your head and upper-body and torso back down to the Yoga mat. Repeat this pose 3-4 times. Each time stay in the last raised position for 5-6 breaths.

3. Downward Facing Dog - Adho Mukha Svanasana

The downward-facing dog pose replicates a dog bending forward. This Yoga postures deeply stretches the hamstrings, back, shoulders, calves and spine while building strength in your upper-body, core and legs. This deep stretch helps to elongate and release tension from the spine.

This Yoga pose energizes and rejuvenates the whole body. It increases blood and energy flowing to the brain, which makes you more alert.

This is a great energy building and tension release Yoga pose after a hard day.


- Get down on a Yoga mat on your hands and knees; straighten your arms, but do not lock your elbows. Align your wrists directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips. Your middle fingers should be pointing directly to the top edge of the mat.

- As you exhale, lift and straighten (but don’t lock) your knees. Stretch your elbows and relax your upper back.

- Spread your fingers wide and press them firmly through your palms and knuckles to distribute your weight evenly across your hands.

- Press your heels toward the floor to feel a deep stretch in your hamstrings and your head toward your feet. Your body should form the shape of an “A."

- Repeat steps 1 through 4 three times and then stay in Step 3 for 5 to 6 breaths.

4. Cat Pose - Marjaraiasna

The cat pose stretches the lower spine, hips and back. It also opens up the chest and lungs for allowing easier breathing. Practicing the cat pose may also improve and promote a healthy spine.

The cat pose is a tilt movement that elongates your spine and eases tension in your back.


- Begin the cat pose on all fours with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.

- Take a deep breath to inhale.

-  Use your exhale to pull your belly button to your spine and press the floor away with your hands and knees, rounding your spine like an angry cat, stretching your lower back and spine.

- Take least 3-5 deep breaths before releasing. Repeat 3-4 times.

5. Cow Pose - Bitilasana

This Yoga pose can help relieve back pain by posing in the Cat and Cow asanas. These two Yoga poses stretches the back, increases flexibility in the back muscles, and relaxes the mind and body.


- Begin on all fours with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.

- On an inhale, roll your shoulders away from your ears, look up, and arch your spine.

- Breathe here for at least three deep breaths. Repeat 3-4 times?

SEE MORE: Basic yoga poses for beginners at home - Here (link removed)

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