Help me choose an organic deodorant forums

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Hello, I want to buy an organic deodorant that reduces perspiration (I sweat a loooot) but I'm a confused because I'm not an expert and I don't know which one is the best.

I have selected a few that interest me so please help me choose the best that reduces perspiration through its list of components and thank you ^^

Here are the compositions of the products:

-Shea butter, essential oils of geranium and palmarosa.

-Coconut oil, sweet almond oil, natural fragrance, lavender essential oil, beeswax.

-Organic Shea Butter, Coconut Oil, Corn Powder, Sodium Bicarbonate, Beeswax, Lemon Essential Oil, Mint Essential Oil, Vitamin E.

-Shea butter, biocarbonate of soda, rook root, coconut oil, prickly pear seed oil, vitamin E (in three varieties: rose essence, palmarosa essential oil, lavender essence).

-Coconut oil, Cocoa tree, Beeswax, Olive oil, Sodium bicarbonate, Corn starch, Super lavandin essential oil, Vitamin E.

-Coconut oil, Cocoa tree, Beeswax, Olive oil, Sodium bicarbonate, Corn starch, Geranium rosat essential oil, Vitamin E.

-Coconut oil, Cocoa, Beeswax, Olive oil, Sodium bicarbonate, Corn starch, Rosemary essential oil to cineole, Peppermint essential oil, Vitamin E.

-Coconut oil, Cocoa, Beeswax, Olive oil, Sodium bicarbonate, Corn starch, Verbena essential oil, Vitamin E.
