10 Ways to Make Your Home Less Chaotic

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Feb 7, 2006
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10 Ways to Make Your Home Less Chaotic

Never leave dirty dishes in the sink. This is especially important before you go to bed at night or leave the house for the day. You want to start your day and re-enter your home with an inviting atmosphere waiting for you, not the guilt of an unfinished task.

Make your bed in the morning. An unmade bed is depressing and uninviting. The room will feel chaotic if the bed is left unmade. It's also more restful to get into a made bed. Feeling deprived? Never make your bed when you travel.

Take the trash out every day. In addition to providing a calm visual, it will help fight pests such as roaches and ants.

Schedule household chores such as dusting, vacuuming and cleaning, and honor the commitment. A home that is tended to regularly is never going to feel overwhelming to maintain. The neglected one, on the other hand, will make you feel defeated before you begin.

Pick up after yourself. Clothes left strewn about a room can be visually depressing.

Toss the excess packaging that comes with everyday products. They will be easier to store and look tidier.

Get some plants. They give off oxygen and are pleasing to the eye. Got a black thumb? Adopt a cast-iron plant. (Not a joke!)

If you subscribe to magazines, toss the oldest issue when the latest issue arrives.

Burn an energizing aromatherapy candle while you're getting dressed in the morning to leave the house, and use a calming aroma for quiet nighttime baths.

Give your children the gift of an organized environment and teach them how to create one.

Cool tips and I hve to admit that i'm guilty of keeping piles of my magazines, don't like to trow them out.

If you subscribe to magazines, toss the oldest issue when the latest issue arrives. I have almost 3 years of InStyle and Cosmopolitan issues (I shipped them to my new addres when I moved)
honestly, i not a neat freak, but at the same time i'm not a slob either. i generally

make sure all dirty clothes are put in the hamper and everything else that is clean in

placed in the right spot. if things are a little bit messy, that doesn't bother me. as long as i can find stuff i don't mind

great info, now if only I could get in the habit of doing it. I guess I could blame mom for never instilling number ten!

great advice esp. the dishes and the bed! it does make a big difference!

thanks for posting!

Thanks for the helpful tips! I've been thinking of subscribing to digital magazines so I won't have to deal with the hassle of magazines piling up.

Great tips. I do some of them. I always make my bed and put dishes away. I can't stand to leave my house messy. I am the worst at getting rid of old magazines though.
