Choosing which color looks best on me forums

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Sep 28, 2008
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I'm one of those people who will change their hair color 2-3 times a year. I usually go from brown/blonde highlights to almost completely black. I'm semi-satisfied with the highlights I have now, but I just would like some opinions on what looks best on me.


Dark chocolate brown/black-





Highlighted (the way it is now)-





Hope that's enough....... I couldn't really find many good hair shots, sorry!

Thanks for all the help though

I really like the darker colours on you, I think it's a very classy colour and compliments your complexion better than the lighter colour.

I like the darker hair as well.

By the way, I love the dark blue shirt - really flatters your complexion and dark hair.

See, i like the lighter color best on you, i think the darker ones make you look a bit older than you are, and i love how the lighter ones look on you, they make you look so glowy, IMO, you look way much better with lighter hair, but that's just me

i prefer the darker just cause it makes your hair look healthier.

i say if you decided to stick with the highlights keep them year round so it is less bleaching and therefore less damage to your hair and that way they will look just as healthy when highlighted

I like them both! I think the lighter is more summery and the darker is more autumn.

I'd probably choose the darker colour, it looks really nice in the first picture

I would have to say the darker hair is WAY better on you.

it seems to bring out the color of your eyes a little more.

I like the darker colour too. It looks much shinier, healthy and bouncy! although they both look pretty, I do prefer the darker shade's hard for me to say. You look good with light and dark hair. Ok, that's my answer: either, or. You look good both ways.

You look GOOD.  I don't see how u cd improve on either hair shades.  And ur one of the folks who CAN wear PINK lips & look good.  (That's my big bugaboo, blondes, dark complexions, and redheads wearing PINK makeup products when it does nothing for them/us.  For me, has to be white skin w. dk-med brown hair.  Sarah Silverman.)  Anyway!  What about ur hair style?  Have u ever gone shorter?  Luv the frames; what about same style in other color, such as Hello Kitty frames in orange w purple? 
