Hmm did I say too much? Advice needed forums

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Aug 31, 2005
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So Ive been dating this amazing guy for about 5 months. He is really sweet, does alot for me, shows me he is into me all the time. One thing is he is not very expressive with words. In the beggining of the relationship I didnt talk too much about my feelings either I was just having a good time and getting to know him. As time passes though my feelings are growing and the last few times we have gone out I have been sharing these feeling with him.

Last night though, I feel like I said to much. I told him how much I liked him and that I was afraid he would leave me one day-- i really hate that i said this (do you think this made me seem needy and clingy)?. I told him he was very special to me and that I had never met anyone like him, I showed him my very vulnerable side which I'm afraid I came across as very weak. He didn't really have much to say about all this lol so Im afraid i may have devulged to much. What do you all think? Do you think this was appropriate for me to do or is it to early to have these kind of discussions? I havent been in a relationship in a few years and I seem to have forgotten some of the rules
