A Cure for Monday Morning Blues

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May 6, 2004
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Thought this article might be of interest to those of you that HATE Monday mornings or people that work on a PC all day!

Stress Can Be Hard To Cope With

The weekend is gone, it's a cold dark and frosty morning outside all you want to do is snuggle up under the duvet for just ten more minutes, the snooze button is worn out on your clock but you have to get up. Monday mornings are dreaded all over the world, but what if your workplace was a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of your busy weekend.

Its proven that if you love your job or if you're at least even happy there, you are more motivated thus increasing your productivity and decreasing stress and stress related illnesses, and we all know a busy week is a short one. Here are a few tips to make your workstation a 'Happy' one.

Aches and pains while sitting at you desk staring at a monitor all day are common but easy to avoid. While we can't all get up and take a walk about the office every half an hour or so you can now do some simple exercises at you desk without having to get the jog pants out.

These simple moves will help you relax and let loose some of that pressure.

Put the mouse, pen or telephone down, breathe in and hold for a few seconds, then exhale slowly, repeat this five times. Remember just slow down take some you time!

If your working with a PC all day take a break and shake your wrists for a few seconds you might look funny but you will feel a little more relaxed.

Take some time to focus on other parts of the office, look out a window and focus on something in the distance for a few minutes, maybe there is a babe in the far corner, have a good look but don't get caught, this will help you relax your eyes. Staring at a screen all day can cause tension headaches.

Our posture at work effects our total wellbeing, sit up straight, raise your shoulders and relax repeat this a few times to iron out the tension, get one of those non-slip adjustable foot rests to aid good posture.

Get rid of the clutter, keep only essential items on your desk, place a photograph of your loved one or children in a discreet place and sneak a peek to make you smile throughout the day.

Get rid of the post-its from around your computer screen it's only a reminder of how much you have to do. Get a diary and write down on a daily basis what needs to be done and get into a habit of checking it in the morning and after lunch that way you shouldn't miss any important meetings etc.

And finally if you are taking lunch in the office turn on the voice mail, get a magazine or better still log onto MakeUpTalk to help you switch off!!

Follow these simple tips and you'll be jumping out of bed on Monday mornings ready for the week ahead. Your boss will see a huge improvement in your work and might even give you that promotion, pay rise or even ask you out on a date!

Has anybody else got tips that they'd like to share???
Thanks Laura,that was interesting and helpful.What you said about breathing and posture is so true..Thanks for the tips! I especially liked the one about

logging on to MuT

the only other thing i can think of to add is to try and have a stretch every day, even if only for 5 miniutes. It really does make a difference.

I hate Monday mornings. I used to start going out after work on a Friday and carry on up untill Sunday afternoon. I would then wake up on Monday full of toxins and feeling like *****. I decided to stay in on a Friday and get dolled up on Saturday, really make a night of it and then drink water all day on Sunday and go to bed early.

Well thats what i used to do but the kids have got a week off and im going out tomorrow on the lash and not stopping till Monday lol.

If you can`t smile a lot, smile a little, though its only a few times a day.

If the smiles never come you`ll get solemn and glum and your face will start looking that way .

VOTE KERRY...................

Ya know.. I do a lot of those things, and they work great! I sit at a computer all day, and no matter how stressed out everyone around me is... I think I'm the only one who can keep calm... and yet I still manage to get everything done!

Sometimes, I'll do one claim (I work @ an Insurance agency) then I'll log on to MuT, check a post or two... then go back and work... then check a site... work, etc... it keeps my mind fresh and keeps me calm... it also helps to prioritize tasks... do the most important stuff first - so that way the things leftover that can be done over time you can do at your own pace, and not feel overwhelmed. It also helps to get up and walk around the office a bit.. even to get a glass of water... just get up and move. I also take care of the filing at my office since the filing girl left... so when I'm tired of sitting I'll go in the back for a few minutes, then come back to my desk & work some more... it keeps things from getting too mundane - you won't get bored too easily, and it makes the day go faster when you fill it with a variety of things. You pretty much have to make work NOT feel like work

I used to love doing that. Work, then check out a fave site, work, then check out MuT again. But then stupid work BANNED MuT (prob coz i was using it too much!!).. Now i just work & stare into space!!

Originally Posted by laura127 I used to love doing that. Work, then check out a fave site, work, then check out MuT again. But then stupid work BANNED MuT (prob coz i was using it too much!!).. Now i just work & stare into space!! Ooooh That sucks! Luckily we're a small company - and we need internet access for some things... plus everyone plays around on there sometime during the day - and it helps that I'm the only one there besides our computer guy who knows comp's... so I have administrator rights to all the pc's
He's hardly ever there, so someone has to have the fun job of getting us up and running when the system is down - lol (And for some reason where we are, the power is always going out - so our network always needs resetting to get into the programs! -
Originally Posted by eightthirty The search function is my best friend. LOL Mel! I love it too. I'm LMAO at what i said "now i work and stare in to space"!!!
And finally if you are taking lunch in the office turn on the voice mail, get a magazine or better still log onto MakeUpTalk to help you switch off!! Works for me!
Originally Posted by Laura I used to love doing that. Work, then check out a fave site, work, then check out MuT again. But then stupid work BANNED MuT (prob coz i was using it too much!!).. Now i just work & stare into space!! Lol that sounds so funny when u read it
Laura at work, staring into space dreaming of MUT :icon_love !
Haha, I don't work but I just HATE Monday since I was a kid lol.

UUUUUGGGGG...mondays!! I used to work in accounting and i used to do ALOT of the space stare thing too!!! Great article!!
Originally Posted by eightthirty The search function is my best friend. Mine too!
Originally Posted by jennycateyez lol laura your so cute your job doesnt band mut anymore right? Its cool again but im not sure for how long since i've kinda been on here way too much!

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