Doo Doo Poo Poo on da' floor? Please post a picture of your Doggie and you!
Originally Posted by PnkCosmo
.................why on earth I was 15 minutes late to work this morning!
I'll give you a hint: Eddie (my spoiled Bulldog) was very naughty this morning!!!
Originally Posted by Tony(admin) Doo Doo Poo Poo on da' floor? Please post a picture of your Doggie and you! Yuck! I hate when our dog mines the floor with shi-tzu bombs, she only does it when we didn't take her out that one last time the night before, I can do without the doggie presents though.
In our house we have this new invention for this: A Doggy Door! hehehe
Originally Posted by Harleymom10860
Yuck! I hate when our dog mines the floor with shi-tzu bombs, she only does it when we didn't take her out that one last time the night before, I can do without the doggie presents though.
Originally Posted by Tony(admin) In our house we have this new invention for this: A Doggy Door! hehehe One of our neighbors has one, they forgot to lock it one night and woke up to find a racoon in their kitchen cabinet
Oh no, the little devil. We don't let our dogs outside of our kitchen & we've tiled floors in there so if they ever do have "an accident", its easy to clean up. They're full house trained now though which is cool!