Oh Janelle, I don't know what to say. I have known people like her and how they change the SO over time. I hope he finds happiness with her and the future is good for him. Let us know if we can do anything.
Originally Posted by
NYAngel98 You guys took the words out of my mouth actually! She usually pretty nice... but she always has that (to put it how our other friends put it) a "Supermodel Attitude"
It's horrible to say - but my bf and her fiance were really good friends for years, and once they got together (they were all friends then somehow out of nowhere they hooked up) her fiance never came around much, and if anything... she was always in tow.. which is fine, but my bf missed his friend. And since being with her, he is not the same person at all. So that reason was what originally started all the tension toward her. Then shes kind of hard to be around sometimes... if we all g out to eat, she'll be the one complaining about everything from the menu, to the table, to the food (usually sending it back) to the bill (itemizing everything to the penny on her share). So we all kind of knew that this was coming just by the way she is normally. She doesn't have any bridal party (just a maid of honor) so I guess thats why she is throwing her own party? I dunno... all I know is that we all go a mass email saying thats what we were gonna do, and then a dinner somewhere close to the spa.. etc etc then asked if anyone had something else they wanted to do on top of that to let her know... how much more than that!?! LOL But thats pretty much where we are now... the 'party' is the 21st of this month. My bf already decided that he isn't going to attend the bachelor party... he might do the dinner w/ them locally - but the whole weekend in Boston, he really isn't up for. He says that for the past 3 years he really hasn't been close to his friend anymore b/c of her - and its like he doesn't know him anymore. I feel bad, but that's the way she is... very dominating. She is the 'man' in the relationship..
So I'm thinking maybe I can duck out after the spa - but I'm afraid she'll make some big display and be pissed that I'd leave before the "end" of the party... but she knows I've been having some financial prob's lately (thanks to some stupid mistakes I've made w/ an ex a few years back coming to bite me in the ass - never let anyone use your credit cards no matter how much they swear they'll pay you back!
I'll tell ya that much! lol ) But I think she'll still be mad. I want to get her something if that's customary... but I wasn't sure if that's what people did.
I've only had one close friend married so far that I was in the party - so I'd get her stuff regardless... but this situation I wasn't too sure of. Thanks for all your help gals!! Luv ya!!! :icon_love