Before and After shot of Mature makeover! forums

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I actually said "Whoa" out loud when I saw the photos! That's a phenominal job. I bet she was soooo excited!

She looks gorgeous. It brought out all her best features and made her look younger for sure. 


    I am kinda confused on why you posted those videos in this particular thread.

@CallmeMrsAL~ sorry, i'm still so new to this site & am trying to learn where to post videos on:) I thought the before and after of my model Coco would fall under the before and after~

I think you have to start a new thread. It's just this one was specifically titled for the mature makeover. I honestly don't know if there is a specific thread for before and after, because I haven't looked...but I would assume there is. Otherwise feel free to make one.

Wow, I love that transformation! You were able to smooth the colour all the way down onto her chest. What method did you use to get such natural volume in her hair? 

She looks great! She looks so much younger! Such a big difference and the best part is in the after shot she doesn't look like she has tons of makeup on. Beautiful!

Great work! You picked just the right hues for her - it's really interesting that her expression is exactly the same in both photos but what an amazing difference your work did!
