Hi there, and #1, Welcome to MuT.
I bet it's taking you so long is because you are starting your straightening process too early. If you want to blow dry your hair straight, blow dry your hair completely dry first, this is what I do. I blow dry it with blowdryer on high. Then, I plug in my Chi and straighten it, this way it takes me about 25 minutes. Or, wash your hair at night, let it dry naturally, then straighten it with a Chi the morning after.
As Amethyst mentioned above, the next more expensive route is to get it TR'ed (Thermal Reconditioned) I have had this done 4 times and you will not believe how wonderful it is to just walk out of your house with wet hair and your hair will dry completely straight. However it does look more polished if you Chi it but, it was the best investment I ever paid for in my life, and I have very frizzy, unruly hair.
Originally Posted by Lil_Claude Wow, can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong or how to correctly blow dry my hair. My hair has ALWAYS since i was a teenager taken me at least an hour to dry. If i don't take and hour on it, it looks ugly. I have to part my hair in small sections all the time. HELP!!!