BUFF'D Color Match

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Jan 21, 2005
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MuT Ladies,

I really need help with Buff'd foundation match, could anyone with similar skintone:

* MAC : NC20

* Cory : Fawn Cream

* Monave Concealer Foundation : Paula or Caroline

* bFM Velvet Plush : Y1

* Lumiere Velvet Veena/Cashmere : Light Golden

chime in to share some Buff'd foundation recs?

I've samples of Wool, Sand, Antique -- those three are slightly too golden, noticeably too golden, and noticeably too golden & too dark on my quite fair skin with very mild yellow undertones -- thus I am looking at Cornsilk, Bisque and Sungrass -- but need some thoughtful recs or help as I'm planning a full size order soon coz Int'l shipping takes 3 weeks & I hate having to wait for samples again!

Thanks lots!


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