Hi Sleek!
I'll share some of my experiences with you...
I've got fair skin, not pimple prone at all and I 'really' look after skin, so my only vice are my 'age spots' or 'sun spots'. All in all, i've tried so many over-the-counter creams (mostly containing some sort of peeling agent, e.g. Salicylic Acid and Hydroquinone). None of the, really worked to 'fade' any of my spots.
So! i got fed up with spending all that money for nothing
and finally consulted a dermatologist. she explained to me that there is no real way to 'bleach' existing spots (which is increased amount of melanin on the skin), the only way is to:
1. refresh the skin
2. stop future melanin from forming.
So, she first prescribed me Retreive (in America its called Renova, I think. It's also known as Tretinoin (or Vitamin A)). it is prescription only and it must be used with caution. I only use a pea size amount on my spots every night and wash it off the next day.
you will PEEL where ever you've apllied it. but instead of trying to scrub off the flaky skin, try using Sorbelene during the day. (Its soo cheap!) Its simple moisturiser instead of the expensive ones loaded with other chemicals that might interfere with my self-induced sensitive skin (make sure its un-perfumed). - Again from experience, my baby brother suffered from severe Eczema, and after all the creams and potions (not to mention $$$$), we went back to the basics - Sorbelene and simple forms of cortizone.
Also. sunscreen is essential as you will be easily burned (doesn't matter what colour skin you have). Basically this is the first step in 're-surfacing' the skin. it basically accelerate the natural skin resurfacing process.
After a month, I'm suppose to stop and get another cream. The new cream contains a higher solution of hydroquinone (which inhibits new melanin formation - step 2) and other ingredients. My dermo made up the solution herself, so it has to be made by a compound chemist, i.e. from the scratch, freshly packed in a tube.
Hydroquinone over 2% concentration must be prescription only (by law in australia). Mine has 5%.
The Most Important - RESULT???
Well, this is my last week of 'retreive' and i've already seen fading on my more pronounced spots. So i'll get back to you on the hydroquinine solution. Plus since Retreive acts as a 'slow' peel, so I have pretty amazing skin at the moment.
I'm not a fan of harsh chemical peel (not to mention the downtime) i don't think i can handle seeing my skin all red and blotchy
(I can be quite vain...He he). Plus, stripping a few layer off my skin won't stop the spots forming again after a couple months. so personally this is the method for me.
I know everything i've described above needs prescription, so see a dermo, it may be expensive for a 20 minute visit and talk. but i would have ended up spending the same amount on 'new' and 'innovative' creams anyways. the cream wasn't that expensive. Retrieve was AUS$34. which is what i would pay for a decent moisturiser.
Research have told me that Retrieve (Derivative of Vitamin A) or any Vitamin A product should not be used prior to, or during pregnancy as it has been associated with deformity of the child.
More info???
Retrieve is commonly prescribed to acne sufferers, again to promote skin resurfacing. so its often looks bad on acne before it'll look good.
Whew that was looong, Hope it helps!
and good luck!