Originally Posted by julymommy06 /img/forum/go_quote.gif I can honestly say when i read this, it felt like i was reading something i would write.. I'm in the same situation and i can understand how easy it is for people to tell you there opinions of what you should do, but in your heart it's easier to say what we want, than to do what is right.. I don't know why guy's think it's ok to treat women with so little respect, I am a mother, and i always saw how my mom was treated by men and i never wanted to put my daughter through the same situations, all you can do is be strong for her.. When things get hard and your being name called, just walk away, ignore him and show him what he say's is just stupidity coming from his mouth, alot of people have told me why don't you just leave, you don't deserve to live in a verbally abusive relationship, but like i said it's easyer to hear what we should do than to act on it.. you can only decide what is best for you and your child and hope in the end you realize you deserve better in life if he's not willing to change.. I'm sorry you both are going through this. It's a very sad situation and I agree with all the advice given. It's always hard to get to the action and it is true that is easier for people to tell other people in your situation to just leave, but remember that people on the outside are seeing the big picture that the ones in the situation are unable to see sometimes for the mere fact of being part of it.