DA-YUM!!!!!! DAMN DAMN!!! Ok Janelle, I was blown away at your pics. WOW! Let me say it again WOW! You look great. Thanks for kick starting this thread.
Looking sexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-say :icon_love
Originally Posted by
My Inspiration pic:
Ok... well, I look nothing like her - and I don't have bangs... so I had to improvise!! lol (so yes, that is the back of my hair flipped over to make 'bangs') and the crease color was a lot darker IRL and not as 'colorful' as in the pics... but you know those MOD colors!! Vibrant little suckers!!! LOL
Eyes are Mod Cosmetics... with Engraved Powerpoint Liner
Blush is MAC Sunbasque
Lips are a pink "FACE Stockholm" color with some MOD shadow over it
I'm just not piercing my nose for a DTB! lol
(and I ran outta rhinestones lol)
Since she has so many different looks, hopefully I'll get a chance to do another one - and take a little time on it! LOL But if not... here goes!
Be Gentle!! LOL
PS>.. no, I can't sing - but I can fake it for pics!