I certainly don't mind Ericka!! I bought these samples from a buyer by the name of crystalrae151. I bought them from her because her prices were good, she had the ones I wanted, and she had FREE SHIPPING! YAY! lol, I get very excited about free shipping...
I also got a few from a seller by the name of pink girly things, this seller has a pretty big store on Ebay. I felt reasonably comfy buying from her, she had different ones I wanted, and her shipping is $0.95 for item #1 and $0.40 for each additional, which is pretty cheap. Also, when I e-mailed her saying I wanted to buy Forest Green, she put it up for auction for me, so I could buy it.
These two are added in addition to kanachan, she is a reputable seller on Ebay as well. Once these things get shipped and I see how the second half of thier service is, I will post them as good or bad sellers on the Sticky about Ebay Sellers.