I was fooling with it, but didnt get to too much. I
did see that it was freezing, but after 30 seconds or so, my
unfroze and repeated your HTML over and over all the way down the page like 100 scrolls. We had this issue before with one user. Can I ask, where are you getting the HTML from ? The last user we had this issue with was getting her HTML from MuA. We found out that MuA notpad came up with
some funky shi!t for HTML.
Let me know but I accidentally deleted my PM of yours too.
On the swaplifting thingy. Let let AlisonG get involved with this. She is out of town for sometime as her dad has some medical issues. She can tell you more about the swaplifting thingy. I'll copy her on this post.
Originally Posted by
laura - thanks! glad to be here.
tony - im about to PM you w/ my HTML. i go to the html mode, clear out whats in it, paste in my code, view it in the editor mode, then hit save. it freezes.
how do i turn off the email notification of new replies in a thread? i find it useful now, because im not getting many, but i dont want to clog my own inbox with replies to a busy thread, you know?
also, if people with less feedback dont send first, how can we make sure that people wont swaplift us? i know that DC is mandatory, but i suppose if someone wanted to be sneaky, she (he? do we have any guys?) could manipulate that somehow or "lose" her DC slip, etc. DC is proof that it was mailed, but it sadly doesnt prove that it wasnt scanned at the receiving partys PO instead of immediately before delivery, or that the neighbor didnt swipe it........is swaplifting a problem?
i really hesitate to ask this because its an unsavory topic, but do we have trolls?