Originally Posted by kjc1993 /img/forum/go_quote.gif Hillary is by far the most polarizing candidate out there, of either party. and that's exactly what we DON'T need right now. I'm fine with having a woman as president, but I just don't think Hillary should be that woman. She's not strong in her beliefs. She voted for use of military force in Iraq, but now says she would have voted differently "if we knew then what we know now." Pshh, what does that tell you about her convictions? How do we know that she wouldn't lead us into a different war? She might just lead us into war, and then say "Well, actually that was a bad decision. I wish I could've known what would happen because of it." How's that supposed to make up for years of suffering and terror?
Also, universal health care is not that great. Have you ever been in a country that has it? I was, and let me tell you, it takes HOURS to get a doctor's visit. The hospitals are crowded and the doctors and nurses get paid crap.
Universal health care is something that sounds great, but in reality doesn't work all that well.
I don't think there's anything wrong with a candidate admitting they made the wrong choice. For me, it would be great to hear Bush admit he was wrong and take the steps to correct his wrong choice. Instead he refuses to admit his mistakes and keeps digging us in deeper.
Did you live in a country with universal health care or just visit? Just wondering. Those I've talked to have a different story, but I think waiting hours is better than not being insured at all.
I am fortunate to have health care and I wouldn't mind giving that up and waiting in line several hours as long as everyone can get health care.