How do you track your subs? forums

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Jan 9, 2012
Reaction score
Obviously, those of y'all who blog keep track of your subs through your reviews and such, but I laughed when I saw another poster mention that she keeps a spreadsheet of hers--I do, too! Not necessarily because I have so many (Just two BB--of which one I am cancelling after the Teen Vogue box, one MyGlam, one Sample Society), but so that I can keep track of which ones I feel provide value for the cost. Anyway, it's the simplest thing EVER--a page for each company, the dates in a column and then a tally of how many products from each category (Skin/Hair/Makeup/Nail/Fragrance/Other) came that month (I don't even mark WHAT items, since I can always look that up if I forget), followed by the ARV of the box. What details do the rest of y'all track? And, ok, I know why I'm keeping the stats that I am, but what made those of you who do keep track of the details in a formal manner decide to do so (again, bloggers are obviously gonna be reviewing, but....)?

Great idea! I'm gonna start doing this too.  I'll probably add Quality/Use of items as a column (aka how much I end up using them and if I really liked it) and Value (how much the retail value of the box is)

Originally Posted by javagirl87 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Great idea! I'm gonna start doing this too.  I'll probably add Quality/Use of items as a column (aka how much I end up using them and if I really liked it) and Value (how much the retail value of the box is)
Yeah, I put ARV in mine (approximate retail value). I figured if I started putting individual items lists in it might get unwieldy. But I love that you're gonna start tracking, too. Again, it just helps when it comes time to choose which to keep and which to trash, I think.

I also keep a spreadsheet for a value analysis. I just have a line for each company and then a column for amount paid and the amount it was worth. Then another column is worth divided by what I paid. I also make any comments about what I particularly enjoyed about it, or disliked. Its super easy and it isn't a deciding factor in whether or not I keep them, but it is handy to look back on. 

Yeah I agree, I figured it's a good time to start since I'm subscribed to 5 already and I don't want it to get out of control. Plus I love excel spreadsheets and lists for some reason haha. I decided not to list every item, for the quality/use column i'm just putting how many out of the total products I use/like (i.e. for the look bag it's 4/6 since I probably won't use the hair treatment or the shadows).

I am working on my spreadsheet now :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I only have 2 bb and sample society but will be adding glossybox as soon as its available, and probably dropping my second bb
