desperate times create desperate people... raping and murdering aside, these people are PISSED and i don't blame them... this happened on monday and here it is 4 days later and they are living in situations that are just as bad if not worse than the 3rd world countries we tsk tsk over... they have people literally dying all around them... not to mention the dead bodies that are still just waiting to be removed... their government is very slowly making their way to selectively help people because they did not have a contingency plan for their own country... yet it was already known that should a major storm head toward NO, they were going to be sunk... yet all the money that was supposed to be used to protect that area was siphoned out for, what else, Bush's WAR... so now he has a second war to contend with, a war between nature and the people, and what looks to be a civil war in the making... i have so much compassion for those people and if i could be there doing something, i would... but, as far as the lawlessness, it's borne of sheer desperation and if they had a government who cared, they may not be so lawless...
man, i'm so hopped up on this... but this is something that i feel so strongly about... so that's my peace... if i offended, accept my apologies now...