Originally Posted by KittySkyfish Cool room! I could be comfy there. What if you get crazy in bed and knock one of the beams loose? Would the ceiling come crashing down on you? "Midnight at the oasis...send your camel to bed..."
Originally Posted by KittySkyfish Cool room! I could be comfy there. What if you get crazy in bed and knock one of the beams loose? Would the ceiling come crashing down on you? "Midnight at the oasis...send your camel to bed..."
LMAO at this post! LOL esp @ the midnight at the oasis...!!!
Originally Posted by KittySkyfish Cool room! I could be comfy there. What if you get crazy in bed and knock one of the beams loose? Would the ceiling come crashing down on you? "Midnight at the oasis...send your camel to bed..."
Good point Kitty..No bigger turn off then a massive blow to the head..LOL
Well, are you promising not to get out of the bed? How could ever you promise something like that? Who would do the cooking/cleaning/laundry/wash the floors? LOLOL
Originally Posted by Tinydancer
The man said he would replicate this exactly if I promised not to get out of the bed!! LOL
Originally Posted by Tony(admin) Dang! Looks like a place for a harem!
Well, are you promising not to get out of the bed? How could ever you promise something like that? Who would do the cooking/cleaning/laundry/wash the floors? LOLOL