JLO: Hot or Sooo Not?

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Jun 11, 2005
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Will JLO ever run out of crazily printed tent dresses to hide her baby bump? I think she looks cute, but the print is a little much. The boots made me pee my pants I want them so badly. Overall...compared to some of the "Cher" costumes she's been sporting I say Hot.
I want the boots, but what kills the look is the hat - ew

So i say - 1/2 hot

You know what's funny? I like that hat on her. I usually think she's way over the top with them.

Hmm, pretty good looking here. Perhaps the hat could go, get the hair a little bouffant, and large hoop earrings, she could knock that outfit straight out the park!

The hat is alright, would be great for winter with a nice scarf... the boots are AWESEOME!

The dress however, is TOO MUCH! I think women who are pregnant shouldn't try to hide their "baby bump". Stick a nice wrap above that belly and show it off! Pregnant is sexy no matter what anyone says.

the dress is not as bad as I was expecting. The boots are totally hot. I would say compared to her previous outfits, J-lo has made an improvement and we should encourage her by saying it looks 'hot' LOL

The boots are hot hot hot, the print on the dress is a bit too much but it doesn't bother me. I say hot.


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