Hi all, I may have a different attitude toward the big M, but my advice right now is to take any trips you want to take, and do whatever you want while you still feel like it. After enduring a lifetime of periods and cramps and having a hard time getting pain meds, I almost couldn’t wait until all that stopped, since I would finally start feeling better. The only good thing about it is the freedom from all that. Granted, we don’t all go through the same problems, but all in all M is no fun. Although I don’t have to hassle with periods every month, I now hassle with a whole different set of problems. First, delibitating hot flashes. They are horrible. My dad and husband will be sitting here in the house all but freezing, and I have to wear a headband because it’s like there are 2 faucets at my hairline that just pour water. You can’t believe how uncomfortable that is. Long sleeves and polar fleece make me just cringe. The winter is especially rough because I’ll start sweating under a jacket and have to rip it off and then freeze, then put it back on, so I can’t wait to move to a place to where I won’t have to wear a heavy jacket.
Most of us at work who have passed M have fans going at work, otherwise we’d pass out from sweating.
Next thing are the aches and pains, they just sort of show up slowly. I feel dumb asking my dr. about all this, but I’m not used to hurting in areas I’ve never hurt. They make you feel like an idiot for asking. Then I got arthritis which I’m fighting, and had plantar fasciitis for 5 years so badly that I could hardly walk. I began to notice the slight roundedness in my back, the beginnings of osteoporosis. Next came the extra weight. I weigh 30 pounds more than I’m used to weighing and that aggravates the conditions in my feet, even though I do the treadmill, elliptical, and swim a few times a week when I can fit it in.
My doctor gave me this thing called the O-Ring to help there. I took one look at that thing and said there is no way I’ll ever be able to wear this thing, and threw it away. I got sick just looking at it. I really get stiff as a board from sitting at work and not moving much. The hot flashes are especially bad when you just stand like in line, and not move much.
I really thought M would be the end of a lot of problems, but no, it has introduced a whole new set of them. I looked in the mirror one night and figure I looked good enough to be on the front cover of a National Geographic magazine if you know what I mean, and now my body feels like it’s reversed. My jeans would probably fit better if I put them on backwards. This is all not fun at all.
I began to feel like I was getting ready to just fall apart and then just disintegrate into a big heap of dust, and had to do something fast. I put on 10 years of age in no time at all and hated that. I’m just not the matronly type. The very worst wakeup call and the biggest surprise of all was then I went horseback riding a few years ago. I didn’t even have the strength to get on the horse and couldn’t hoist myself up there. How awful.
I tried everything, working out, natural stuff, herbs, teas, nothing helped, and I sweat enough to fill a bucket. So I had to go on low-dose Prempro, one every other day. I have to say that helped right away. My poor deflated and flattened chi-chis filled back out, I got enough energy to feel like living again, and although I still sweat, it isn’t as bad as it used to be. I’m going to say that Menopause is certainly not a party and it is not the end of one set of problems like I used to think. I really started realizing my mortality and was feeling like boy what an awful joke this all is. This is not exactly the funnest part of life, especially since I have to still work fulltime, and take care of a house. I’m kind of glad we don’t have kids, because I would not have the energy to deal with them. It’s like I don’t even have the energy to take a fun trip anymore and be the fancy-free person I used to be. I still try though. I pray a lot, meditate, and just try to stay happy. If I see something I want, I’ll buy it, because it honestly is not a picnic going through this stage of life. As for the low dose hormone therapy, I figured what the heck, I want to feel as good as possible for as long as possible and they have helped in that regard. I do feel better with them than without them. Alas… we each have to find our own way. My mom passed away 7 years ago and I miss her more than ever. I wish I had her to at least help me through this. One of my chronic worries is that I’m beginning to feel like I just can’t handle fulltime work anymore and need a break something fierce. But if I don’t, how will I ever be able to afford a doctor if I need one? Not a pretty picture, unless you’re lucky enough to be rich too.