As for the "did it hurt" questions. YES, IT DID! It took almost 3 hours to do, but the pain was well worth it!!!! Although, compared to the pain I go through everyday (from RA and CFS) this pain was no where near as bad. I knew it would be over soon and would not last long after it was finished. My ankle did stay swollen for about 3 days afterward, but the swelling and pain have subsided, except if I hit it on something or the kids hit it. But then its just sore. Now it is itching!! That I cannot stand!! But,.... when its all over and the healing is done, it will be all worth it! I am very proud of my new tattoo. I will post pictures as soon as I get batteries for my camara and then get the film developed. Or, I think i will borrow my brothers camara and take some pictures of it. If I wait on myself to get batteries, I may be waiting awhile. lol! HarleyMom, that's cool! I would like for my husband and I to get matching tattoos for our anniversay one year. And Marie-Line, you asked about the price. It was not cheap. My husband dished out $180.00 for my birthday present. So I guess my birthday present it taken care of for the next 10 years! lol!! Anyway, thanks again for the birthday wishes.
Anita (coolcat1022)
PS. I am sorry I have not been around much this past week. My uncle past away suddenly this past Monday.
PSS. Also, sorry I have not been around much before that. I have started my own groups on Yahoo and have been involved with those a lot.