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May 30, 2005
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My 20 year old cousin (who is more like my little brother) is deployed in Iraq. He has been there since January. He got engaged to his girlfriend at christmas, and was so in love and happy. He came home last month for his 2 weeks leave, bought her all kinds of stuff including a laptop etc. Yesterday when he called her she broke up with him! She admitted to cheating on him, but he is still devestated. He is thousands of miles away from his friends and family, in a dangerous place and now heartbroken and lonely. She was his first love, and first broken heart. He kept telling me today in IM's that he wanted people to talk to and felt like no one cared about him etc.

If you have a free minute would you mind dropping him an email/ecard? I know getting emails from beautiful women all over the country would make him the envy his platoon.
Not to mention cheer him up!

His email is [email protected]

Just tell him you are friend of Lisa's. thanks so much!

oh, my god. i feel so bad. he sounds like a sweet guy, too. can we IM him and just drop a line instead?

sure! he is usually always signed on but sometimes his away message will be on while he is sleeping, he keeps his laptop right there on his bunk. and if you don't get an answer right away, he might be out of the bunk and forgot to turn his away message on.

Originally Posted by Jennifer oh, my god. i feel so bad. he sounds like a sweet guy, too. can we IM him and just drop a line instead?
What a bleeeeeeep! I can't believe she would do that. Will definitely send him a card.

Cold, heartless, using BLEEEEEEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!
People like her just make my blood boil. I hope he stays safe. My card is on it's way.

I'll say it Charmaine......witch!!!!!!!! Was that loud enough????
Ok...I am going to email him and tell him how greatful I am for his service to our country and that he is doing the right thing over there by keeping friggen terrorists over there and not here, MUCH TO MANY POLITICIANS(and other's) dismay! I was in the US NAVY and dammit, we love our country more than life itself. Thank you very much for asking us to write him!!!

Originally Posted by Charmaine

OMG what a b-word! I mean...I'm speechless!!! I hate it when all these brave men and women go to war and leave their loved ones behind and all they get as mail is "Dear John" (or Jane) letter. UGH! Don't worry Lisa, I'll send him a card
You're an awesome cousin!

Originally Posted by luckylabonte

My 20 year old cousin (who is more like my little brother) is deployed in Iraq. He has been there since January. He got engaged to his girlfriend at christmas, and was so in love and happy. He came home last month for his 2 weeks leave, bought her all kinds of stuff including a laptop etc. Yesterday when he called her she broke up with him! She admitted to cheating on him, but he is still devestated. He is thousands of miles away from his friends and family, in a dangerous place and now heartbroken and lonely. She was his first love, and first broken heart. He kept telling me today in IM's that he wanted people to talk to and felt like no one cared about him etc.
If you have a free minute would you mind dropping him an email/ecard? I know getting emails from beautiful women all over the country would make him the envy his platoon.
Not to mention cheer him up!

His email is [email protected]

Just tell him you are friend of Lisa's. thanks so much!

Ok, I wrote him a long ol' letter and I hope I get a reply
ROFL! I agree. She has been called every name in the book today. I have been so tempted to call her and tell her what I think of her. He spent over $3,000 on her when he was home last month!

I have been a wreck ever since he joined the Guard. He left for boot camp the week after he graduated. When he got home from basic his unit was activated that same week!

I worry about him being over there, and risking his life, then she goes and does something so cruel hearted to him.

This is a picture of him on the Harley he bought during his two weeks home.

Can you tell how proud of him I am? Like I said he is like my little brother! I cried when he left for Iraq.
thanks to everyone that is dropping him a note or card, I know it will help cheer him up.

Originally Posted by Tony(admin) I'll say it Charmaine......witch!!!!!!!! Was that loud enough????
Ok...I am going to email him and tell him how greatful I am for his service to our country and that he is doing the right thing over there by keeping friggen terrorists over there and not here, MUCH TO MANY POLITICIANS(and other's) dismay! I was in the US NAVY and dammit, we love our country more than life itself. Thank you very much for asking us to write him!!!
I just talked to him and we was about to go to work. Its almoswt 8 am their time. So it might be tomorrow till you hear from him.

thanks !!!

Originally Posted by Tony(admin) Ok, I wrote him a long ol' letter and I hope I get a reply
Originally Posted by luckylabonte I just talked to him and we was about to go to work. Its almoswt 8 am their time. So it might be tomorrow till you hear from him.
thanks !!!

oh, good. i thought he wasn't answering my IM because he thought i was psycho LOL
In Iraq at a base that I can never remember the name of. It sounds like Gonaria. lol

Originally Posted by Charmaine 8 am? Where is he now?
Originally Posted by Jennifer helllllllo, mr. toby.
hi, anthony. i still love you, too, shnookums.

LMAO - you are too much!!!
He is a hottie though... are you SURRRRE he's not 25 or 26?? lol
He came home in June for his two weeks leave, but now he is back in Iraq for another 7 months at least. She broke up with him over the phone!

Originally Posted by Charmaine Ohhhh I thought he was still here. D'oh!
Trust me we are 10 yrs and 2 days apart in age. lol Don't make him any older than he is, cause that makes ME older!

Originally Posted by NYAngel98 LMAO - you are too much!!!
He is a hottie though... are you SURRRRE he's not 25 or 26?? lol

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