Palm pilot/ PDA's forums

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I have one and love it. I have the Handspring Treo 90. Its an older model and I am ready to upgrade. I use it for everything.

If you are looking for some reviews, check out CNET. They review a lot of different products and for me, they have always been right on the money.

Originally Posted by lovesboxers

Who has them, what do you have, and what are your opinions on them? Likes and dislikes?

I have a lousy Palm Vx that just stopped working the other day. WTF. Now I need a new one. Not sure what one to buy. Not sure if I wanna surf the web with my PDA through wifi
I have a Palm Zire 71 . It does have a built in camera. I've had it about a year and a half now. This is my 3rd palm pilot. I do more with it now than I ever did before. I store all my personal passwords, health care info, my car info (last oil change, tire rotation dates, etc.), address book, daily journal. I also learned how to down load books off the internet and have them to read saved in my palm where ever I might need a quick read (waiting at the Drs office, etc). It's actually pretty handy. Keeps you super organized. It's just another must have item for my purse! If your considering a palm here's some good websites to check out:

besides makeup, i'm an electronic junkie.... so i have a Palm Tungsten T5... it's for my job but I dont' think I've used it since the first week I got it... and the first week that I got it, I used it mainly for it's mp3 capabilities...

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