Originally Posted by Lealabell It's funny that lots of you are recommending gloss because I have lots of male friends who hate lip gloss, they say they want to be able to kiss you without having to worry about being covered with sticky stuff! That's exactly why I really don't wear much lip stuff when I go out with my fiancee. I'll use a lip brush and put on some lipstick, but I'll blot so that when we kiss I don't get gunky lip stuff all over him. Although if I am wearing a non-bright lipgloss, he still kisses me and I just laugh and tell him to rub his lips together so the gloss is even!
But for dates, I will be pretty natural, a peachy blush with a shimmer over it, mascara to make my lashes really long (but I don't pile it on, I don't want it to look gunky close up), usually brownish lined eyes smudged with some sort of a shadow, and muted lips.
Although it varies with what I wear, I usually go for the semi-natural, sexy look. More the Victoria's Secret look, understated sexy.