She's back! HI! ((HUGS))
And I have to say, thank god nothing happened to you!
Luckily it didn't phew! Yes this could have been serious, but I sure can see how you would have protected yourself
Originally Posted by
Hey Tony! First and foremost: people kill other people. A person is not going to have an ethical and moral breakdown just because he/she became the proud owner of a Sig. You've got to have issues of ill-intent to begin with to find an illegal use for a gun.
Should there be a ban on concealed weapons or a right to own handguns? Here's some food for thought:
Last week I was stuck with a flat tire on I-75 south, outside of Gainesille, FL. I was on the side of the road, hazards flashing, in a desolate stretch of highway waiting for AAA to show up and help change the tire. I sat there for TWO hours in the setting sun, and wouldn't you believe in this time there was only one cop car that passed, and he didn't stop. I have no idea why, but that's what happened. So, I'm waiting patiently for the tow truck and
what if a vehicle pulled up behind me that wasn't familiar? Not a tow truck but a sedan and in it a creepy-looking man. Can a cop get there to protect me before he does me harm? I could call the cops, which I would definitely do at that point, but he can walk to my car in less than 20 seconds and most likely the cops will get there in time to do a clean-up job or post a missing person report.
Do you know what it takes to get a concealed carry permit? Besides being fingerprinted and having your identification run nationally by the FBI to check for a history of crime, you also have to sit through hours of gun SAFETY (not bang, bang, kill kill stuff) and prove your skill on a range. You know what the number one rule of owning a gun is? AVOID situations that get you in trouble. Hear someone break into your home? Call the COPS, barracade yourself in a safe room and use the gun as a last resort. This is the real mentality of a responsible gun owner. We aren't Rambo - we're citizens who respect the laws, view law enforcement as a first line of defense AND take personal responsibility in our own safety.