Public Health or Social Services Jobs forums

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Jan 20, 2004
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Does anyone work in the social services or public health fields? I have a BA in English, but have been considering going back to school for a MPH or MSW. So I was wondering if anyone had any experience with these fields. I haven't had much luck finding a full-time job right now, so wondering if grad school would be a good option right now!

I too am debating if I should go to grad school. I have a BA in psych and love the social services field, the only think is they just dont pay enough money, and a pay cut wouldnt work in my situation. But if you can get into the field I think thats wonderful.

Originally Posted by alittleweirdo Does anyone work in the social services or public health fields?
I have a BA in English, but have been considering going back to school for a MPH or MSW. So I was wondering if anyone had any experience with these fields.

I haven't had much luck finding a full-time job right now, so wondering if grad school would be a good option right now!

I've got a BA in English, as well, and it's very difficult to find something in this field without having internships and other experience, no matter how skilled one is in writing, grammar, etc.
My mom is going back to college, and she's taken several intruiging social work classes. She really enjoys it, and says she could see me enjoying it as well. Best of luck in your choices!

One of my good friends has a BA from Long Beach in Sociology and Phsyc (SP), and he is a UPS driver LOL

Originally Posted by alittleweirdo

Does anyone work in the social services or public health fields? I have a BA in English, but have been considering going back to school for a MPH or MSW. So I was wondering if anyone had any experience with these fields. I haven't had much luck finding a full-time job right now, so wondering if grad school would be a good option right now!

Guess he's not using his degree! but then, at least he has a job! I'm only working part-time as a private tutor, so I really need a full-time job. But I wouldn't be a good UPS driver, because I hate to drive!

Originally Posted by Tony(admin) One of my good friends has a BA from Long Beach in Sociology and Phsyc (SP), and he is a UPS driver LOL
LOL, what else can you do?

Being that you are in SOCAL like us, the mortgage industry just plain and simply ROCKS. Loan processors, underwriters, Account execs, all make decent money. You can easiy make 40-60K at one of those

Yeah, I should have tried to do an internship during college. I was doing more tutoring and education classes. But, I have realized that I don't want to be a teacher right now. I'm thinking more about health education right now.

Anyway, I was wondering if you had any suggestions about getting into copy editing or anything. I have tutored kids in writing and grammar and taught SAT II writing prep classes.

Originally Posted by Kage_sCupotea I've got a BA in English, as well, and it's very difficult to find something in this field without having internships and other experience, no matter how skilled one is in writing, grammar, etc.
My mom is going back to college, and she's taken several intruiging social work classes. She really enjoys it, and says she could see me enjoying it as well. Best of luck in your choices!

Hi Littleweirdone!

I have my BA in English and an MA in psych. Can I answer any questions for you? I think an MA is always worth your time unless you are indecisive about it's usefulness to your specific goals.

For one, an MA will always get you on a higher pay scale. Secondly, it will improve your knowledge, and third of all, it will give you an advantage over others applying for the same job. I don't regret getting my MA although I am not directly in a psych related job at this point in my life. I use my degree in day to day life. I am planning on using it for my business too. If I can answer any specific questions for you, let me know! I'm all yours!

<---- Psychosis of the bunny! Diagnosis: Paranoid Bunnyitis

alittleweirdo - I hate to drive, too, especially in Houston! I'm in the same boat as you. I should have done an internship, but my BA didn't require one - only BS had to do them. Tony - My brother has a degree in Molecular Biology, but he's working in the national headquarters for Lowe's (the home/hardware store). He's got a really nice job there! If I hadn't gotten married when I did, I was headed for a job in their editing department. Cali - I want to get my MA eventually. I'd really like an MA in Library Science, or Creative Writing. I also always thought it would be neat to teach American Literature for college-level. I had the most awesome American Lit. prof who taught me to love it, and I'd love to spread what she shared with me.

I really believe that you are where you are for a reason. I also believe that you will get to where you want to be if you intend to! Keep trying and searching. When you find a very specific goal, do everything you can to make it happen and it will. If one door closes, there are several others to go through.

This has been a trite but true message brought to you by Yours Truly!

In short: Find out where you want to be. That is key! Get specific!


there is a book I bought recently that may help, its called "what color is your parachute?", it kinda helps you figure out which directon you should go..........maybe worth a try

I second the recommendation! Sometimes the lack of jobs in an area is not the problem ... it's lack of a clearer goal. If you can pin down your desire, you will get there faster. And by the way, by desire, I do not mean boyfriend.

What Color is Your Parachute is one of the best career books!

Flower for YOU!!

Originally Posted by shoediva there is a book I bought recently that may help, its called "what color is your parachute?", it kinda helps you figure out which directon you should go..........maybe worth a try
Originally Posted by shoediva there is a book I bought recently that may help, its called "what color is your parachute?", it kinda helps you figure out which directon you should go..........maybe worth a try Thanks for the info! I'll have to check this out now
always looking for new ideas!