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Jan 15, 2012
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I really need some advice..

I've been going to this school, it's also a business. I'm studying Certificate IV in Beauty Therapy, and it's getting hard beyond belief.

The school does a lot of unsafe practices..

For example, none of the tools are sterilized. and I mean NONE.

We don't even HAVE a sterilizer..

The ventilation in the fake nail tables don't work, even if they did, there aren't enough power plugs for it, and there is NO other ventilation in the building. We're smack bang in them middle with no windows..

The product quality is extremely low, and we're always running out of stock. Even hand soap.. And we don't have access to fill it up..

We have gloves, but hardly ever have the right sizes.

and we aren't warned of all the risks involved in tasks without gloves.

For example, I was informed by my friend, that if you have cuts on your hands, and you wax someone and they bleed. If they have HIV and it gets into your cuts, you can get it -.-' School never mentioned ANY of this in their books.

Their books are of poor quality and full of lots of spelling mistakes.

Yesterday I did my first eyebrow wax. The teacher came, she did one eyebrow and said "that's how you do it" Then left me to my own devices with this model. I was really scared. I managed to do pretty okay. But I had to go find her again afterwards. Twice. the second time I couldn't find her.. she went to lunch and I had to talk to the other teacher instead...

We have to get models in to do things on so that we can reach our targets, only now, they are starting to charge models.

Which actually makes them a paying customer.

But "discounted"

Regardless, if a 'full paying' client comes in, you have to dump your model and leave them waiting around to serve said client, even if there are other girls who can do the job that are sitting around talking about facebook...

The friend who informed me about the waxing risks left because of these reasons and more.. I'm wondering if I should follow suit or keep at it.. But even if I keep at it, I don't think my certificate will be worth the paper and ink it's made out of..

This school doesn't sound up to standards at all.

Is there not someone from the health department or the city or somewhere that is supposed to visit and check them regularly? Perhaps you should consider contacting someone to look into the schools practices.

Personally, I would leave immediatly. I would also try to get some sort of refund.

What they are doing is unsafe, unsanitary and doesn't sound very legit.

You would think someone would come and check up on things.

But I've never seen them or heard of them.

I didn't actually pay for the course. It was Government funded @.@

I've been there about three months, and what I discover is just getting worse.

It's taken all my drive out of studying beauty.

We've also had two teachers walk out O_O

Even the TEACHERS know the school is crap =.=

Why not call the health board yourself and ask them to come out - just do it anonomously (sp)

Bring your own gloves, mask, anything to protect yourself.

I'd be tempted to tell you to leave. But the reality is, if I were in your shoes I'd probably stick it out. 

Even if I stick it out though, how do I know if the skills I'm learning are correct?
If I call the health peoples, they'll shut the school down anyway -.-'

I've been looking all over the internet and I can't find a place to report the school to..

if they are licensed by the state I'd start there. In the US, each state has a Department of State that administers licensing everything from business's, nurses, food workers to cosmology. I have a professional license in engineering in 2 states and if there is any complaint against me or my work, they handle it. I'd assume Victoria has something ike that. When I was involved in a couple of our coal mines in New South Wales... The state and federal agencys were as "bad" or "worse" than over here... Lol.
