Originally Posted by charms23 L'Oreal just came out with Color Pulse, hair color that lasts about 8-10 shampoos and it's easy to use because it comes it mousse form. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm looking forward to it!
Here's the link:
Hmmm... a temporary black huh? Kinda tough, because you want something that barely coats. (Which means don't get wet in the rain or you'll be staining your shirt) Sally has a brand called Jazzing... and a few other temp. products. You can also try a level 2 color that will last about a month and gradually lighten up on its own. (like Clairol Color Spa) and just get a dark brown... dark brown looks almost black for the first few washings... then lightens up a bit. Probably your better choice than to go jet black if you aren't used to it.
Originally Posted by NYAngel98 Hmmm... a temporary black huh? Kinda tough, because you want something that barely coats. (Which means don't get wet in the rain or you'll be staining your shirt) Sally has a brand called Jazzing... and a few other temp. products. You can also try a level 2 color that will last about a month and gradually lighten up on its own. (like Clairol Color Spa) and just get a dark brown... dark brown looks almost black for the first few washings... then lightens up a bit. Probably your better choice than to go jet black if you aren't used to it.
this all looks too complicated. i thought a temp. would be so easy, but i don't wanna go throguh all that JUST for a temp. and there's no way i'm going permanent.
thank you so much!