Well I almost walked out of this movie last night. I wanted to see something funny with my friends and we had seen the preview so we said why not, it looks funny. Well for me vulgar to the extreme doesn't equal funny at all. Oh I am not saying I did not laugh because I did at the waxing scene and also the one where he tries the condoms but I also thought it was way too vulgar for my taste. Wedding Crashers was funny IMO and it didn't have the vulgar extreme side of 40 years old virgin. Plus the guy was pathetic. I mean the toy, the rigid schedule, his anti-social behavior, etc. so of course when you see that you go, no wonder he is a virgin. This movie was not what I was expecting and I still cannot believe a mother brought her two young children to see that. They had to be 10 I think... We did see a dad make his daughter leave the theater though after 15 minutes in the movie. So no I didn't like it...