Its human nature to not be satisfied with what we've got. And us women are our own worst critic when it comes to our bodies. Those who are big busted want to be small and those who are small, want to be big. I'm the kind of person that believes we should just accept and love what we've got.
IMO, unless you've become maimed or deformed in an accident, or had your breast removed due to cancer, I don't believe in implants. Now getting them
"lifted" after having kids, that I don't have a problem with. Its actual implants that I don't agree with. There are pros and cons to being either big busted or small, so there's
NOTHING out there that's going to be perfect
even if you do get implants. I've always been able to tell implants from non-implants from looking at photgraphs. Plus IMO, there is the stigma attached to having implants, yup - the porn star thing, etc., I look at Pamela Anderson and she's a joke, a cartoon character.
So even though she may be laughing all the way to bank, she still looks like a freak to me (and I'm being way too polite).
Anyway, that's MY opinion, not everyone else may share it, but hey, to each his/her own. I just don't believe in messing with nature.