Yesterday night while brushing my teeth I seen something running in the corner in my eye I looked down it was my first encounter with a potato bug it was the uglys little thing.just in case you see how they look like.
Originally Posted by Annia /img/forum/go_quote.gif ew, I am not afraid of 'bugs' unless they have a special ability.. like jumping 8 ft in the air etc. but this bug sounds gross lol
And this is in L.A.?
OMG, i would've screamed if I saw something like that. It looks like a cross btwn a bee with frog legs :S
I guess the only things I've seen in my house out of the ordinary are waterbugs. those things can be twice the size of my huge toe! Another thing I can't stand are centipedes *shivers*
Btw, I found a FAQ site about potato bug...haha, quite funny though
Originally Posted by macface /img/forum/go_quote.gif Yesterday night while brushing my teeth I seen something running in the corner in my eye I looked down it was my first encounter with a potato bug it was the uglys little thing.just in case you see how they look like.
Usually it's quite rare I heard to actually witness a live potato bug. Usually when ppl find one within the house, they're usually dying or they were dead already since they're generally underground nocturnal bugs
Originally Posted by macface /img/forum/go_quote.gif The could get pretty big like the size of ear plus their fat chubby bugs. If I saw a bug the size of an ear, I would seriously crap my kidding.