Weight Loss Supplements - What Women Need To Know Part 2 Of 2

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Jul 21, 2022
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Weight loss supplementation can be purchased either over the counter or from a prescription. Prescription supplements are only available through your primary care physician and local pharmacy. The manufacture and packaging of these are strictly regulated by the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The products also undergo clinical trials and testing to prove efficacy and safety.

Over the counter supplements are not regulated in any way and are not classified as drugs. Because they are not classified as a drug there is no regulation on distribution or manufacturing and the companies do not have the ability to make specific health-related claims. The manufacturing companies also usually do not have stringently performed clinical studies which give the same information that a prescribed supplement may.

Ephedra is one such example of a weight loss supplement that has a high rate of success but also a high side effect profile that includes hypertension, cardiac problems and even death. Hoodia Gordonii is another supplement that has both positive and negative press. There has been some credible weight loss reported with Hoodia but there are a few manufacturers that can guarantee the authenticity and quality of the product they are delivering. There have also been research studies which have documented significant liver side effects in those who have used a supplement for weight loss.

Many of the over-the-counter weight-loss supplements rely heavily on caffeine as their primary ingredients. Caffeine has the effect of increasing metabolism slightly as well as dehydrating the body. This gives the client the initial feeling of being then but there is also rebound bloating when the body attempts to retain as much fluid is possible in order to improve its chances for survival.

Caffeine has been a weight loss supplement that has been around for decades in both prescription drugs and over-the-counter supplements. And, while there are some negative side effects to the product, individuals is to remember to stay well hydrated and do not overuse the supplement can find some success.

When choosing a weight-loss supplement most of us think that the primary ingredients are the active ingredients. And, while these ingredients are usually the ones which have the most impact on weight loss people can also have adverse effects to the an active ingredients in the pills. Keep track of any side effects you experience with supplements you use so you can compare ingredients with the side effects and avoid those ingredients with any further changes to your medicines.

Remember that when you take any medication, supplement or herb you are putting a chemical into your body that will react with any other chemical which is already there. This means that although you are taking a weight-loss supplement meant to help you lose weight it will react with any other medication you've been prescribed for other underlying medical conditions or any other over-the-counter medication you may be taking. For this reason you must consult with the pharmacist to determine if there are any adverse side effects from taking medications together.

Weight loss supplements should only be used when you are working towards changing your eating habits. Using these supplements a long-term basis will not solve your problem. Instead they should be used in order to help you change your lifestyle habits, improve your nutritional intake and move away from old snacking habits. Once you go off the nutritional supplements if you return to your old habits your weight will rebound and probably you will gain even more.

Weight loss herbal supplements, over-the-counter supplements and prescriptions are only a tool in the battle against obesity. Use these tools correctly and with care you'll develop good eating habits that you can continue to follow when you are no longer using supplementation. Ensure your success for the future by making changes in your habits today.

**Here is a combination weight loss course and supplement regimen that we've found during our online research. Click here to learn more.**