What to do when salicylic acid just isn't cutting it

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Aug 14, 2004
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I have been fighting blackheads FOREVER. It seems like everyone always recommends salicylic acid. I have tried many salicylic acid products. I am now using Paula's Choice 2% BHA solution, and it works the best out of anything I have ever tried, and makes my skin look great overall, but I still have some super stubborn blackheads on my nose that I just can't ever get to go away completely. What else can I try? Thanks in advance!

Originally Posted by shoediva I use Biore Pore strips. They help me alot. Yeah, I've used those before. Unfortunately they don't work for me.
Try a black head extracting tool. You can buy them anywhere. It looks like a cuticle tool except it has a very small hole in the tip. You position the hole OVER the blackhead and PRESS gently. The blackhead is extracted through the hole. Its fabulous!! After a session, use your BHA solution on top and maybe a bit of blemish fighting solution. You'll be as good as gold.

Originally Posted by SusieQ Try a black head extracting tool. You can buy them anywhere. It looks like a cuticle tool except it has a very small hole in the tip. You position the hole OVER the blackhead and PRESS gently. The blackhead is extracted through the hole. Its fabulous!! After a session, use your BHA solution on top and maybe a bit of blemish fighting solution. You'll be as good as gold. Agree with Susie! Although I'm pretty gross in having to admit that I think that tool is fun... LOL
( I know, I know.... I'm disgusting! LOLOL)
Originally Posted by SusieQ NY Angel! Its satifying don't you think!!? It's like a job well done! LOL Plus it's pretty neat in a gross way how they pop out like worms! LOL ok ok ok - I'll stop being nasty! LOL
Originally Posted by fylloh I have been fighting blackheads FOREVER. It seems like everyone always recommends salicylic acid. I have tried many salicylic acid products. I am now using Paula's Choice 2% BHA solution, and it works the best out of anything I have ever tried, and makes my skin look great overall, but I still have some super stubborn blackheads on my nose that I just can't ever get to go away completely. What else can I try? Thanks in advance! Have you gotten a deep cleansing facial with extractions?

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