Where were you when 9/11 happened?

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I was in my 9th grade english class, and my principal came onto the intercom and told us what happen, then we did two minutes of silence for those who passed. At the time I didnt quite understand what we had to give silence for because I didnt know what the twin towers were. When i went home it was all over tv, and about a week later i fully understood what it was about.

I was just back from taking my kids to school watching TV when they broke into the broadcast to report that a plane had hit the 1st TC tower. I just sat there in shock, then disbelief as I watched the 2nd plane come into the side of the shot and hit the 2nd tower. My phone rang and it was my sister, while we talked we got word that the pentagon had been hit... and we were completely shocked and scared by that point.

I still get chills remembering that morning.

oh god i was at the 34th st station clueless and then i walked up to time sq and watched everything from the jumbo screens. It took me like 6hrs to get home.

I was in my junior year of college. I was getting ready for school. I had just gotten out of the shower and flipped on the tv. It was either Dan Rather or Peter Jennings who was on. They were showing replays of the first tower being hit. Then all of a sudden they switched to a live feed and the second tower got hit. That was the first time I ever heard anyone swear on live tv. I was so scared. I called my mom at work and she told me we were going to war and I was like freaking out. I went to school and everyone was in shock. All air traffic was suspended at the time, but military planes kept going over near my school and me and one of my best friends kept freaking out. It was so awful. I'll never forget that day.

I was going to work....at the time I was working Sony Tech Suport, the phone were normaly non stop , but that day were virtualy silent.....

My husband & I were in Hawaii. We had just been to Pearl Harbor the day before----people thought that wouldn't ever happen again.

I was on vacation from UPS, and had just turned the tv on. When I saw the Pentagon burning, I called our office to enquire about the route driver. I just kept screaming into the phone "Has anyone heard from Joe?"

I was sleeping, but my mom woke me up saying something ridiculous like "Wake up, the world has changed forever!" She can be a little melodramatic, so I kind of rolled my eyes but went to the livingroom anyway. It was so surreal watching the replay of the first plane hitting, my actual first thought was "Wow, that looks so real, how did they do that?" Then the second plane hit and it became real for me. I think my heart stopped beating and I stopped breathing, watching it all in complete shock and horror. When I saw that it wasn't all debris and paper falling out of the towers, but people were jumping off...I think about it now, and it still makes me weep.

I thought about the guy I had just broken up with, and called him up to make sure he was OK, since he worked a couple of blocks away from the Twin Towers. He didn't answer the first couple of times, so I was freaking out, but he finally did and it turned out he had taken a day off so he was safe at home.

Man, that was an awful day.

I was on my way to work. My mom called me as soon as I got in, and that's how I even found out. I don't act like it never happened, but I've decided to not think about the negatives as much as I can. As of 2004 I've had to think only positively as it's Kylie's birthday... I almost dread the day I have to explain to her what happened that day!

I was at home, waiting for my mom and sister to come home with breakfast (I lived with both of them at the time) and was channel surfing. I turned on Good Morning America and saw that a plane had hit the first tower. The anchor said that they believed it was an accident, but it was not confirmed. Then I saw live the second tower get hit and knew it was not accidental. My mom and sister came home and I was in shock. I'll never forget that day. I cried and cried and cried.

On a flight bound for NYC. My whole family was freaking out thought that the flight I was on was the one that hit one of the twin towers. I will NEVER forget that day as long as I live.

I remember I was at school, junior in high school. The principal announced over the speaker what had happend and the teachers turned on the tv. We were in shock all day, and watched all day till school was over. It was terrible. It still breaks my heart.

I was sick from work that day. My bf called to see if I happened to be watching the TV, since I used to live there and had many friends still there. I had still been sleeping, but I couldn't get back to sleep. I just sat in front of the TV the whole day, in a daze. When he came home, we just watched TV together. We just couldn't believe that it was happening. It was like some Sci-fi movie!

I was a supervisor at a bank at the time. Due to the "no fly" rules, we had people calling for increases on credit cards limits, loans, etc. One man called, there were no rental cars and he wanted to get home to his family in Idaho (he was in Nashville). We were able to increase the amount in his line of credit so he could write a check for the cost of a car. Even when he was worried and wanted to get home to his family, he was taking 2 other people he met at the airport with him and was dropping them off on his way to Idaho.

While it was a sad day, I like to think of the positive things that came from these horrible acts. The people working together, the kindness of strangers to help each other and pride in our country.

Wow I was in my 9th grade english class also.... I remember when I heard, and I just thought OMG!!!!!! We watched it in class on television for the rest of the day...

art class (screen printing/air brush) my teacher said that it wasnt important enough to listen to it on the radio and distrubt the class.

boy was he ever wrong.

I was at work, I was only 17 and had just started full time work. I'd never even heard of the World Trade Centre/Twin Towers. When I saw it I felt ill that people could do something like that. Over in the UK we were all glued to the tv just trying to relive the horror that those people had to face - burn to death or plunge to your death. Horrific. Can't believe it's nearly the anniversary again.


I was at my apartment. I used to live about 30 Min away walking distance.

It was HORRIFIC. I got up and turn my TV on as usual. I realized what was happening. I ran upstairs to the roof to see the unforgettable images of the WTC.
I saw everything. I saw when the 2nd building collapsed. The people that were driving to work on the FDR Drive (Highway) were stopped and advised to leave their cars and to get off the highway.

They all started walking. They did not have a clue of what was happening. Cell phone towers were down only landlines were up. I remember people asking me what was going on, I was allowing them to use my cordless phone to communicate. It was terrible. After everything happened, we were all required to wear a mask because of the cloud of smoke and debris that took over the city.

Sleeping on my couch after working nights, with the TV blaring-remember the news woke me up..I honestly thought it was a dream and was absoultely stunned-then my phone started ringing and my friend confimed what was happening. A wave of nausea hit.

i was at the eaton centre in downtown toronto on my way to my prenatal appt.! i saw a small gathering in front of a sony store. i asked what was going on and i was told a plane crashed inot one of the towers. i watched for a bit and then left to go to my appt. not knowing that mere minutes later, the second plane would strike the other tower.

i get so sad when i see/read about 9/11. i don't know why beyond the fact that it was so horrible!
