Do you ever go to bed with make-up still on? forums

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Never on purpose, but in the last year I can count the number of times I have on one hand. Those were due to either being too tired and passing out, or being sick and again... passing out haha

Sometimes though, when I am too exhausted to completely remove my makeup, I will use a wipe (I like Kirkland's skin/makeup removing wipes) and get all the foundation and stuff off, and leave the eyes on. Then I'll go over with some toner to get anything I might have missed and call it a night. This isnt something I do often though.

I have a feeling if I didn't take off my makeup at night, after about a week my face would look like a mountain range haha

I'm very good about getting the makeup off - thank goodness for cleansing oils and micelle solutions!. But some nights, I just crash after getting off the makeup without following up with a second cleanse, and my PM routine.

I am pretty strict with myself about taking off my makeup at night. HOWEVER, lately I've been slack about it. I have to remember what my friend told me a while back when she used to work at a Macy's makeup counter. She told me that for every one night that you sleep with your makeup on, your face will age 7x faster than if you had taken it off. So basically you'll age an extra week each time you do it.

That's too much aging for my liking!!

Only if I'm very drunk. My skin reacts very quickly to improper care, so I always wash my face before I go to bed.

I am guilty of this sim! BUT only when I have spent hours perfecting it! And yes, it it does stay on!

Rarely do I go to bed without removing my makeup but there is the odd time when I'm super tired and its really late.

I have, but not often. In fact, very very rare. Mainly because I have developed a skin regime that is rather routine.

Yes sometimes l go to bed with makeup still on. but is not a good practice and doesn't promote healthy skin. Skin need to breathe and be nourish with a good  moisturizer.  leaving makeup on at night will clog your pores and cause blemishes

It takes up to 3 days to develop a habit get into the habit of washing your face every night

Never! Unless I`m at a party and it gets so late that I decide to spend the night there, which hasn´t happened in years. I would feel so dirty going to bed with my makeup on. Especially since I wear long-wearing foundation, it would literally stay on my skin all night! No you do not age faster, nor will you be covered in acne the next day, but it´s still not great for your skin. If I know I won´t be going anywhere later, I´ll remove my makeup right away when I get home, along with putting on just feels more comfortable that way, and that way I really can´t be too tired to wash it off later at night.

99.9999% of the time I do.  I have a skin care regimen that I follow really closely so even the hubby knows when go up to bed, I stand in the bathroom for 10+ minutes removing my makeup and cleansing.  I felt guilt the other night when I was soooooo tired and just didn't have the energy.  Even he said "aren't you going to remove your makeup?" 
  Yep, it's that much of a routine!

I don't wear makeup every day, but still try to stick to a routine of washing my face and putting on moisturizer at night. Of course I'm more likely to be lazy and skip it when I haven't worn makeup that day...but believe it or not, the times I've slept in my makeup I forgot I put some on that day. Yeah, my memory can be bad, especially late at night when I'm tired and I don't want to be splashing around taking the chance of waking the rest of the house. So I do try to wash up earlier in the night so that this doesn't happen.

I've never been drunk so maybe that's why I've never slept in makeup. lol...
