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Jun 13, 2015
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I'm so sad. Ive recently spent over $2500 in makeup to start a freelance makeup business and now worry im not good enough. I have anxiety and get stressed easily, I recently started a makeup alphabet challenge with a friend for some extra practice and since doing so have lost all confidence in my skills. We have completely different goals- I want to do every day makeup weddings etc whereas she wants to start an artistic YouTube channel and has been completely covering her face into characters etc. but it seems to be what everyone likes and praises. I have had next to no positive feedback on my looks I guess they are boring but it concerns me that people may not think they look good. Please critique a look for me or look on my Instagram page _mobile_makeovers_ I'd be forever greatful I need to know if I've wasted all this money and embarrassed myself for nothing. This look was 'o for orchid'


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I'm so sad. Ive recently spent over $2500 in makeup to start a freelance makeup business and now worry im not good enough. I have anxiety and get stressed easily, I recently started a makeup alphabet challenge with a friend for some extra practice and since doing so have lost all confidence in my skills. We have completely different goals- I want to do every day makeup weddings etc whereas she wants to start an artistic YouTube channel and has been completely covering her face into characters etc. but it seems to be what everyone likes and praises. I have had next to no positive feedback on my looks I guess they are boring but it concerns me that people may not think they look good. Please critique a look for me or look on my Instagram page _mobile_makeovers_ I'd be forever greatful I need to know if I've wasted all this money and embarrassed myself for nothing. This look was 'o for orchid'
How long have you been in this career? Do you have any formal training in make-up?

Based on your post, you seem fairly new to this. As with all things, practice leads to proficiency. Comparing yourself to others leads to resentment. And this is the reason why I didn't critique your work.

All I can suggest is to practice, practice, practice. And be patient with your progress. 

I wouldn't say new, Ive practiced makeup for a while now and I've done cert 3 in beauty that had a makeup component but primarily self learning through YouTube. Im kind of looking for a "just give up" or "it's not the worst makeup artist I've seen" as I'm really at the point where I don't think more practice will help me as I'm not very creative I lean towards basics every time :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I wouldn't say new, Ive practiced makeup for a while now and I've done cert 3 in beauty that had a makeup component but primarily self learning through YouTube. Im kind of looking for a "just give up" or "it's not the worst makeup artist I've seen" as I'm really at the point where I don't think more practice will help me as I'm not very creative I lean towards basics every time :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Sounds like you're on a path to finding yourself. Which is good, because there is nothing wrong with self discovery.

What are you passionate about in your life? 

In my experience, the answer to this question will help determine your path to your career, goals, short term job, whatever... Only you know the answer to that. On a side note, the answer to that question changes every 10 years or so.

I'll use myself as an example. 25 years ago I was in a dead end factory job, I wanted out badly, I got into make-up by accident. Editorial fashion became my passion for about 12 years, then my passion waned as I got into film / TV make-up. Now 20 years into it, my passion is now yoga. Do I still love doing make-up? Yes. Am I still passionate about it like I was 20 years ago? No. 

The point of all this is, don't despair. Who cares if your friend is better at doing creative make-ups. Perhaps doing basic make-ups is your thing? There is nothing wrong with that. Did someone tell you that doing basic make-ups is not good, not in, not cool, not trendy? 

Just something to think about.


Girl I just followed you on IG, your work is beautiful!!!! Don't give up because you definitely have talent!  :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Also do not compare yourself to your friend "comparison is the thief of joy".

You have your own path and she has hers.

Your passion will shine through to others, so always believe in yourself and others will too!  :wub:

Don't be sad, anxietied out or stressed! Your makeup actually really isn't that bad! Everything is a learning experience and practice makes perfect. I have anxiety disorder and panic disorder and get stressed VERY easily, when I first started to do makeup, I won't lie, I SUCKED. But if you practice and work at it everyday you will notice huge improvements! Trust me. There's always room for improvements, no matter how good you are at something. Don't worry too much about it, you'll get there, I promise! Chin up gorgeous!

Perhaps you should have gotten a job doing makeup for a period of time say 1 year before you started out with your friend.

RaffaelaMUA is right. You can't really compare yourself to your friend. She has her own technique and style and you have yours what's wrong in that? Focus on what you can do rather than what what you can't. My impression is that you're too concerned with what people will think of your work than the process itself.

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Saw your pictures as well, and really liked your work!
But I can see that you haven't replied to this thread for a while.
I hope it doesn't mean you've given up.

Hopefully you're just to busy working!

Best of luck to you! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I am just going to jump in here and add to the conversation, not necessarily at @. 

In my 20 years in this industry so far, I've see a lot of make-up artists come-and-go over the years for various reasons. But the hardest blow for an artist, any artist is criticism and it does crush you in terms esteem and creativity. The trick is to rise above it and move forward.

The Print world is more forgiving in terms of harsh criticism as Photoshop is readily available and mistakes can be fixed on-the-spot before publishing.

However the film / TV world and the Celebrity world is a whole different story, as everything is in real time and there is no on-the-spot editing. When people tell you or gossip to others within your peer group that your work is shit, it is shit, even though you think you did an excellent job. It's harsh a world and nobody cares about your feelings what-so-ever and people will say anything to see you crack. That is real life.

And it happens to everyone from the newbie to the seasoned pro. But the more experienced you are, the less the criticism will be. And I am talking about industry peers here, not the general public trolls you find on social media sites, they don't count so ignore them.

Anyways I hope @ is keeping at it.

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Apologies if it seems like I'm rambling in this post, but I've got a terrible hangover and a poorly 1 year old crying at me.

Your position resonates with me, as I also suffer from anxiety: GAD and panic disorder, to be specific. I know what it's like to constantly driven yourself mad by questioning yourself and fretting over the details. In my humble opinion, that's your biggest problems, not talent or skills. Skills can be improved upon.

I'll be honest about what I've seen: you're not bad. Youre not great, but you already know this, otherwise you wouldn't be asking. You seem to have a decent hand, eye for detail and your design and art work is adequate. Its a good place to start.

Of course you need to learn more and practice various skills. Especially the skin.

It's all a matter of practice and learning. Sound simple - and it is! That's doesn't mean it's easy. I feel a lot of people are drawn to beauty therapy simply through interest and an assumption it can't be too hard, as it's not brain surgery. Like anything craft, it can be difficult. I saw the same thing teaching drums, and many people dropped out or became disillusioned with their progress. Same thing in weightlifting.

My advice, as someone who also suffers anxiety, is this. Practice as if you don't care; it doesn't matter if you do it wrong, or it comes out terribly. This is different from how you'd assume, but if you're trying to, and have a mindset, to try and perfect it, you'll put too much pressure on yourself and it'll fall apart. This is the nature of anxiety. Practicing over time will improve anyone's skills. It's simply a fact. Fretting because it doesn't happen the way you want is the only thing which is holding you back.

So just tell yourself: "I'll practice everyday, take a photo, and if it's be its bad. Who cares?"

Do this for a year, then compare the photographs. You'll be amazed how much you can improve without pressuring yourself to do so.

I'm so sorry you are feeling so down. I've been in the industry for 7 years and some days I'm super confident and other days I feel like it's the first time I've ever picked up a makeup brush. It took a few years to find my 'style' of makeup, my passion and I guess you can say my place in the industry. The makeup world is so big and there are many talented artists out there. You just have to keep seeking opportunities to learn and grow from and be open on feedback. ALWAYS. 

I'd love to help and mentor you if you are open to it!

Keep going. Persistence is key. You have to keep at it for years and years. Most makeup artists blow up within a year but thats because they've worked on it every single day putting out content every single day

No matter who you are their is always at least one person out there better than you. Do not ever get discouraged and the only waste is that which you let become a waste. I spent quite a lot when I was younger to become a Cosmotologist and then because of bigots and kids with bad upbringing I let the peer pressure get the best of me for nothing. In this field you must practice and do work over and over to become a real pro. Also keep getting clients and building a portfolio. The only ones who are not good enough are not here trying. I know very little about makeup and have started get back into things here I hope to have some demos up soon to share but I know a lot of people are "better" than me. I am also aware that they were in my same spot starting out and the only way to improve is to keep at it and push on. Your work looks great from what I saw and you need to be confident. Confidence and professionalism go hand in hand. Never back down. You are bold, you are beautiful! Always remember that and press on. Best of luck to you and don't give up.


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