how do I look with and without makeup? forums

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Jun 4, 2011
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I would prefer comments from GIRLS/Ladies only, thanks

Please give me your comments and vote the poll, and makeup advice would be thankful! Thank you!  :rolleyes:

Question, what are your people thoughts about guys wearing makeup or not?

No makeup

Some makeup

Alot of makeup


I think everyone should be able to take advantage of the awesomeness of makeup, and well-applied makeup that is tasteful to me is just fine on men (or anyone for that matter.)  I am a bit of a rock fiend though, so eyeliner and whatever else is pretty much the norm. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

You look great without, some makeup makes your eyes really stand out, and a lot of makeup is good for a night out.  I say go for it, I used to make my bass player husband cake on the liner!  Looks good.

I don't think there's anything wrong with it, especially nowadays.   I agree with Alicia, I really kinda like guyliner.

I agree, I don't think theres anything wrong with guys wearing makeup and I like eyeliner on guys too
 My fiance would wear eyeliner & sometimes this pretty lip stain when his band would play gigs and he wore it sometimes to just go out on the town. I think it looks good!  

I think you look good in all 3 pictures :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I voted some makeup, because I honestly don't think you NEED alot of makeup.  You have nice skin so you don't have much (if anything at all) to cover up.  I LOVE guyliner.  So I would say wear as much as you want!  If you don't mind getting a little more attention in the day (based on where you live), wear the same day and night.  If you DO mind, wear a tad bit less for the day and go the full way on your nights out :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I voted no makeup as I am able to tell the difference between some and a lot. Your pictures are a bit blury and very yellow...

I am used to guys wearing makeup as I had to teach them to wear it for their TV and photoshoot auditions. Makeup is a MUST in that industry.

I think you look great either way, I guess it all comes down to what you're most comfortable with.

I looove when guys wear make-up, I wish more did! Also two of my favorite youtube beauty guru's are guys (Petrilude and Whatstyleistonickel) I love their videos so much!

I think it all depends on your style & If you are comfortable to pull it off go for it!!!        BUT I think its hot on guys Such as Rockers, Or Johnny Depp Lol so it really depends on the guy & style!!!

BTW I think you look good  Both Ways!!! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I also voted some makeup.  I think it brings out your eyes nicely without making them look overdone:)

I think you look fine without makeup... But if you want to make your eyes stand out a bit more, eyeliner looks great! And I agree with Alicia, if you were going out for the night then you could probably cake on the makeup... But either way, you look good with or without makeup... I don't have a problem with guys wearing makeup... I think everyone should be able to do whatever they want and not be scared of other peoples reactions... if it makes you feel good, then i would totally go for it... shoot make up makes me feel pretty =) I think everyone has the right to feel pretty, male or female...

If you don't want it to appear as if you're wearing makeup I suggest getting a waterproof pencil and lining your upper waterline (the rim between your eyelashes and eyeball)

I think you look good both ways. I think if you have something you want to cover or enhance go for it!

Thanks to everyone for taking the time to writing me advices and comments!!!!

more questions, Do you people think it would look better to use PENCIL or LIQUID eyeliner for me? thanks

Definitely kohl pencils, liquid eyeliner for when you get more comfortable with make-up and want to do dramatic looks. ^_^ /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

will Liquid eyeliner, help me add the most defintion to my eyes, WITHOUT looking like Im wearing any makeup at all?? Thanks!!!

Honestly I think the only way to look like you're not wearing makeup is to line your upper waterline.  You will see all other lines

        Liquid Liner in the thinnest line possible                   Waterline lined

                 No liner                                                                              Waterline lined


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