17 and never had a boyfriend

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Nov 21, 2006
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so i'm 17 and i've never had a boyfriend or kissed a boy. i know it sounds stupid but its really making me feel awful and unappealing and i cant stand it. i try and remind myself just to wait --i often feel more mature then people my age anyway but I cant help but feel so upset about it. The guy i like is now in college and might like me back but I cant really tell...i feel like this is stuff younger kids go through

I used to feel the exact same way you did...!!...One thing you shouldnt do is just find some random person to hook up just to do it...

i know this sounds completely cheesy...but when the time is right you will find someone...in the meantime...be confident (not cocky..lol)...when you are confident in yourself it shows...otherwise it can make you seem inapproachable even though you dont intend it to :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />....love yourself first...

Haha, don't feel bad. I didn't have a boyfriend until I was 20. We all come into these things in our own time. Don't stress out over it, and go at your own pace. I don't think I could have handled being in a genuine, loving relationship before 20. Actually, I don't think I would've even recognized it for that at 20!

I agree, don't feel bad! It's much better to be single than to date a bad guy just to have a boyfriend!

I didn't have a boyfriend until I started college at age 18, and we dated for almost a year but still never kissed! He was very conservative when it came to getting physical ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> The first (and only) guy I kissed was my hubby, at age 22! And I wouldn't have it any other way! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

That's true... I did and I really regret it now... I didn't have a real boyfriend that I cared for until I was 19-20. It's normal, be proud that you have some standards and that you don't settle for the first guy!!! And don't worry, when you're with a guy who cares for you and respects you, he wouldn't mind that you don't have any experience!! Chances are he will even feel special that you chose him to be your first :icon_wink

Sweetie, I wouldn't worry about it! My husband was 19 before he had a "real" girlfriend! I know a guy who is 30 and he's never had one (he's really shy). Don't worry, as I'm sure God has a plan for you... They always come around when you least expect it too!

wow i am overwhelmed by responces. i assumed this would be brushed off as a superficial teenage problem but it really does impact future relationships.

i have considered random hook-ups but i'm glad i've held back so far

aww, don't feel bad! i didn't have my first kiss til i was 17 and a bf til i was 18. i get how you feel though. it feels like it's never going to happen! but it will and def. in college if it hasn't happened by then!

Its not superficial at all...You should keep holding back...you will regret it later on...not saying you can't be around boys ...lol...just be sure before doing anything...maybe you should treat yourself to some new clothes, makeup or a spa treatment with a girlfriend or just do something to feel nice...it helps a bit sometimes :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Everyone is giving great advice! I especially like Missnadia's post.

While you are single, watch what other girls go through.

Some will make mistakes and others will settle.

If you notice these things happening to you (once you start dating),

remember your friend's mistakes so you don't have to learn the hard way.

You mentioned a boy in college - I'm 42 and can't always tell if a man likes me or not.

Our intuition doesn't always inprove with age unfortunately.

Have fun living your life. When you are meant to meet your boyfriend, you will.

The only regrets I have are the casual hook ups that meant nothing.

i was 18 when i had my first boyfriend, and was 17 when i had my first kiss (although i dont really count it since the guy was drunk and was running up to girls and frenching them at this party i was at).

Don't feel so bad..i used to have a bf at 16 but glad nothing came of that cuz he ended up cheating on me and getting married on me and never told me. Bastard! Now he's unhappy and hates his life...hooray! But nevertheless...all i am saying is that guys are completely immature and you'd wanna wait anyway...i wish i did cuz that time in my life..was extremely difficult for me.

Its totally okay IMO to not have a bf or kissed at that age. you should be proud of yourself, the time will come trust me. I didn't have a serious relationship til i was 20. Its totally okay!!!
Karma is Shitty? F***! M-F***! I have a difficult time reading astericks! :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

No..but the irony to all of that..he's my roommate..Muahahaha

Lol...i meant the other name for a female woof!...bitc*

The others work good too though...

And omg,...lol...thats freakin hilarious

17 is still young. U have nothing to worri about ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> The right guy will come along one day. I was in your shoe once and i swear, i thought i'd grow up old and lonely ... and one day ... i found my guy :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

It's best to wait and not jump into things quickly, especially when it comes to relationships. Girls may mature, but boys will be boys from here to eternity! (Almost, lol!) As of right now, there are very few young men out there who are mature enough to handle any sort of relationship that comes their way.

Enjoy your youth, and don't worry it away by waiting for your first kiss / boyfriend.

When you stop looking for something, that something that you want the most ends up coming you're way, and it'll come when you're ready.

*Bear Hugz*


i had my first bf when i was 18

my first kiss was on my 16 years birthday and i even didnt want it

so i think your first time will be great

caz you can do everything in the first time with someone you love

and he loves you back

its worth waiting belive me

sweety dont worry! The right guy will come along in the right day

i had my first bf when i was 17 like u

and we are still together

so be patience!


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