33 Days of Decluttering - November/December 2014

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Day 7:

[SIZE=10.5pt]I de-cluttered my make up today.  :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]1) Foundation - Old. (Trash)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]2) BB Cream - Don’t like. (Trash)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]3) Concealer - Don’t like. (Trash)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]4) Mascara x3 - Used up, expired (Trash)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]5) Lip Crayons x3 - Don’t like the colours on me. (Trash)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]6) Lip Sticks x5 - 2 of them are old, 2 of them I don’t like the colour on me, the last one I’m not a fan of the formula. (Trash)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]7) Lip Glosses x2 - Don’t like the formula. (Trash)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]8) Cheek Stains x3 - Half empty. Don’t use anymore. (Trash)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]9) Liquid Highlighter - Never use, old. (Trash)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]10) Single Eye Shadows x3 - Broken or never use anymore. (Trash)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]11) Pressed Pigment Eye Shadows x2 - Giving to a friend. (Pass Along)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]12) Cream Eye Shadows x5 - Giving to a friend. (Pass Along)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]13) Blushes x3 - Giving to a friend. (Pass Along)[/SIZE]

Day 7:

  1. Partial Skein of yarn - Donate
  2. One half full bottle of bubbles and one nearly empty bottle of bubbles - Trash
  3. Small bottle of lotion - I really hated the smell. Trash
  4. A photo clip - it's really cute, but it always falls over. Donate
  5. A pair of jeans that I purchased for my daughter. They didn't fit, so I returned them today.
I forgot already what day I'm on, but here's what I got done today:

(1) We moved recently and I still have boxes to unpack so I unpacked one in the family room that we've been tripping over...mostly contained papers and personal items, so I put things in their place and used the box to put the recycling items in-seriously, this is a huge moving box of stuff GONE!!!

(2) Recycled all the newspapers and other boxes that we emptied this week

(3) Clutch case for my old iPhone-garage sale pile

(4) Bugs Bunny pin-garage sale pile

(5) five bras-either worn out or had underwires in them, I HATE underwire, not sure why I even bought them-trash

I love reading through this thread & seeing progress people are making, so inspiring!! Keep up the good work, we are all going to start 2015 clutter free!!!

edited for my crappy spelling

ETA (6) tossed another pair of socks

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Day 6 & 7:

1. A purple vase that once had a bouquet delivery in them. I have other vases that I like more. (donate)

2. Some expired prescription meds. (trash)

3. A rusted-over soap dispenser (trash)

4. My ex's nail kit found in the back of the closet (trash)

5. 12 bags from the ipsy sub that I never liked (donate)

I love reading through this thread & seeing progress people are making, so inspiring!! Keep up the good work, we are all going to start 2015 clutter free!!!
I like what you're saying about starting 2015 clutter free! The thought of that feels pretty good.

[SIZE=10.5pt]Day 8: [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]I tidied up our living room today and found:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]1) 2 boxes from my online Sephora orders during the VIB sale. (Recycled)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]2) [/SIZE]Magazines (Recycled)

[SIZE=10.5pt]3) [/SIZE]Cat Toys that were worn out or broken. (Trash) 

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Everyone is really getting into the spirit.

Day 8.

travel bottle of lotion - used up / trash

Lipstick Sample Card - used up /trash

Lipbrush that I found in the bottom of the drawer with really messed up bristles- trash

Half used can of icing - trash

Ok, ladies, I went to town yesterday!!  My office/spare bedroom in the new house has become a staging area for the as yet unpacked boxes that we have.  I had time yesterday to get a good jump start on that room and I got a lot done.  I think I emptied at least 4- boxes, some went to the garage sale pile, a lot of it went to the trash/recycling, and the rest got put away.  I didn't even keep track of what all I put in which pile, but it was WAY more than the 3 per day.  There's still a lot more to do in that room, but at least now I can get in there & really start sorting stuff. 

I just love the idea of this project! I'm so in!

Ok, so my Day 1 starts now: November 24, 2014

I'm not at home right now, but I'll do this when I get home tonight! I'm going to be decluttering the following categories:

1. Makeup and Beauty

2. Clothes and Shoes

3. Books

4. Random Junk

I will count rounding up loose photos into albums as 3 items since that takes more time and I have a lot of them lying around!

I want to do this, but I'm too disorganized to make it a daily thing.  BUT!  I will follow along, and post updates when I can!

My husband and I went on a huge decluttering spree over the weekend - we hauled away four car loads of stuff to sell and donate and there's still some more to go. Our closet is actually usable, we got rid of the boxes that we were tripping over and the ones hiding behind the couch, and our apartment already is just looking and feeling much better. Together, we got ride of hundreds of items - most of them mine (10 garbage bags of clothing, all belonging to me, wow). 

With that said, I'm still going to be doing this! I've already noticed a few little stragglers hanging around that need to be donated or tossed. I also didn't even touch my makeup (the nail polish collection is done and has been cut in half), so I need to do that - and I've got a feeling that will be much harder. I need to just play catch up. Here are today's items that I'll be saying goodbye to:

  1. Tresemme Shampoo - This was one of the huge, jumbo sized bottles that had a pump and everything. We made it about 2/3 through, but water has slowly been leaking into it and now it's a nasty, watered-down mess. Trash.
  2. Tresemme Conditioner - the same thing happened with this. It wasn't nearly as bad or to the same degree, but still kinda gross. Trash.
  3. Betsey Johnson watch - I don't really wear Betsey Johnson stuff anymore, I guess I've aged out of it. It's in good condition and all it needs is a new battery. Sell.
  4. CHI straightener - I've had this since middle school. It had a good run. I don't straighten/use heated tools on my hair anymore, so there's no need for it to hang around. 
  5. Febreeze candle - Found this in the bottom of a drawer. It was half used and it had kind of begun to separate. Gross! Trash.
According to the document I have that keeps track of this, that brings me up to 18 items!

Wow, everyone is doing AMAZINGLY well.

Day 8 & 9

1. 2 old boxes that held two old laptops that I don't even have anymore!

2. an outdated travel book to Oregon. It's been a while since I've taken that trip, lol.

3. Some old DVDs. There was a season 1 of Grey's Anatomy, and the Iron Chef series in the pile. Seriously, I don't know why I hold on to these things!

4. A used diet tracker. I thought I would look back on this for ideas but never have.

5. A zip drive. Geez, does anyone even remember these?

6. a stack of catalogs.

Bonus items: a few pins that I don't wear, and an empty canister that I thought I might reuse but haven't. Toss.

Seeing all these things I've been hanging on to for no reason makes me feel like a hoarder. I think I'm going to get more ruthless with myself. I moved into this house 4 years ago, and left a bunch of unpacked boxes in the garage. I'm realizing that I don't even miss those things, nor even know what's in the boxes anymore. Theoretically, I have no use for that stuff and should just get rid of it all!

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In order to catch up, I did another round for the day and grabbed a few items that I know need to go:

  1. Pajama shirt - old, ratty, and absolutely disgusting. The gigantic hole in the armpit does provide some nice ventilation, though. Trash.
  2. Pajama bottoms - several holes have sprung up over the past few months and keep getting bigger and bigger every time I wash and wear them. Trash.
  3. Ear stretching supplies. I used to have stretched ears and my lobes are all shrunk down now. I don't plan on doing that again, either. Trash.
  4. Makeup bag from Ipsy. Not really my style, but someone else might like it. Donate.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Day 9:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Yesterday I de-cluttered the side board in our living room which I should have done when I tided up the living room on Sunday, lol[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]1) Old Phone Book (Recycled)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]2) Take out Menus (Recycled)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]3) Pens that no longer work (Trash)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]4) Receipts (Trash)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]5) Sorted through the mail: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Junk Mail (Recycled), [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Credit Card Applications (Shredded), [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Old Cheque Book with my maiden name (Shredded), [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Grocery and Shopping Flyers (Recycled)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Day 10:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Today I de-cluttered my purse which has been long overdue.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]1) Receipts (Trash)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]2) Expired Gum (Trash)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]3) Scrap pieces of paper (Trash)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]4) Empty hand cream (Trash)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]5) Broken hair clip (Trash)[/SIZE]

It embarrasses me to admit it - my house is small and just generally disorganized.  So I have decided to open my kimono and talk about my household de-cluttering.  This week, I feel like I managed to measure my household purge - I overfilled my household recycling bin and my garbage bin so their lids wouldn't close.  

Two small household appliances of mine reached end of life this month so they had to go.  If they don't work there is no sense keeping them.  I have since replaced these items with new ones that work.

Also this week I got started organizing my book shelves which is something I have been meaning to do for several weeks now.  While organizing book shelves didn't contribute to my purge per se it helped make my living space feel more liveable and less cluttered.  There is a bit more work to do with these shelves though since I started feeling better.

In recent weeks I have collected a bunch of photocopy paper boxes to use for storing and organizing the belongings I intend to store in my spare room closet while I purge unnecessary items from my home.  My spare room is currently being used for storage since I have no basement and that needs to change.  On Sunday, I want to work on getting that room in better shape so its functional as a bedroom with a bed.  Ideally set up the bed at some point on Sunday.

My intention for this week/weekend is to fill a rubbermaid bin with items to donate including old kitchen items, clothing, and misc. then donate the unused items.  Anything which is worn out, stained, or generally useless is going to get trashed.  Items which are recyclable will get recycled.  

I have a spare computer in need of hardware repair so getting it fixed is going to be my Christmas present to self.  Since I have a bunch of old documents that I don't need anymore I am going to pay my son to shred them - this way he will have a bit of money to do his own Christmas shopping.

Any tips/ideas to de-clutter a house quickly and effectively?  Also, how do you stay de-cluttered once you have finished de-cluttering?  

Looks like I have to make up for Days 10, 11 & 12:

I got rid of some more old travel books, a junk bag full of tattered Christmas wrap remnants, a bunch of empty packages that I was holding on to in case I wanted to make returns, a jigsaw puzzle that I never did, 2 old pillows, a broken laundry basket, a picture frame with cracked glass, and an avalanche of empty cardboard boxes piling up in the garage that needed to be broken down, tied and recycled.

We'll see if I can stick to it, but I'm going to shoot to have the majority of these remaining items be makeup or beauty products. Anyway, my 3 items for today all come from the makeup bag inside of my purse:

  1. Fresh Sugar Rose Lip Treatment: Just a deluxe sample. I went to put some on and a huge glob broke off and fell down my shirt. Gross. I never really liked these much, anyway - they were always too soft and I always wound up with too much on. Trash.
  2. Soap & Glory Hand Food: This smelled a little funky, a little off. I think it might have gone bad. Trash.
  3. EOS Lip Balm: This is the lemon one and man, I had forgotten how gross it was. Never liked these. I think I missed this one during my initial sweep. Trash.
Got to make up for a few days.

Day 10:

1. Foundation sample card

2. Pair of panties that ripped

3. Second foundation sample card

I also donated some clothes and DVDs I had at my parents house.  I figure they don't count since they were not at my apt.

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