Acne, red marks, retin-a and glycolic acid forums

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Dec 22, 2012
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Hi! I'm really hoping somebody might be able to help me! I've read a few threads and it sounds like people here are very knowledgeable!

I'm 25, and after 6 years of nearly clear skin I wanted to see if I had grown out of my acne and stopped benzoyl peroxide... I was fine for a few months but then had a horrible massive breakout. I'm mostly clear again with bp but both sides of my face are completely covered in red marks.

My GP gave me retin-a (and dianette) at first because I wanted to try something other than bp (hate the bleaching...) but it certainly didn't help in the short term and I think it made things worse... I have read about horrible 'initial breakouts' that last for months and I'm not sure I want to go through that... But I've heard that retin-a is really good for red marks so... I really want it to work!

The other thing I have been trying is glycolic acid. I read it was good for acne marks and active lesions... I bought a 10% moisturiser and I'm planning to try peels too. I think maybe it has helped my marks a bit but I also wonder if it makes me break out a little? Could it do that by the same mechanism as retin-a? Which I understand to be 'bringing' developing comedones to the surface prematurely by removing the top layers of skin?

The other thing I wondered about it bio oil??

My skin is such a mess, I am extremely upset about it. My marks from my teenage breakouts faded long ago and I thought I was done with acne, now I am embarrassed to look anyone in the eye if I'm not wearing makeup. I want to fade my marks, but I don't want to create more marks in the process by making myself break out! 

How does this sound as a night-time regimen?

Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs

La Roche Posay Effaclar purifying foaming gel cleanser

Duac (5% benzoyl peroxide, 1% clindamycin phosphate)

La Roche Posay Effaclar H soothing compensating moisturiser

10% (moving to 15%) Glycolic acid moisturiser (Bravura London) to areas affected by red marks or to whole face instead of above moisturiser (Wed only)

Fri, Sat

LRP cleanser

LRP moisturiser


+30% (moving to 50%) glycolic acid peels on Sundays

In the mornings I use 2.5% bp and spf 20 though... the 2.5% bp has been discontinued so when my tube is finished I will either use 5% bp or the 10% glycolic acid moisturiser??

What do you think?? I don't want to be too aggressive... but I want to be about as agressive as I can be because I really want to sort this out! Sorry this is really long! But I'd be sososo grateful for any comments or suggestions! 

Hi Flaxen,

I am 26 and struggle with acne and I find it best to alternate between two acne skin care lines I trust. One has the active ingredient salicylic acid and the other benzoyl peroxide. I cannot get away with straying from the BP too long. The skin gets used to one or the other so I alternate these by week. I find one spot treatment to work so much better at the begining of the week at the switch :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I also know that glycolic acid can be harsh so if it were me I would use that as you would a clay mask, a few times a week. I have a sulfur mask that I use at the end of the week to fight acne a gentler way and this helps with my redness as well. There are many awesome soothing masks that can help heal your breakouts as well. As far as healing goes I agree that we should focus on cell renewal to work on those dark spots. I am fair so they are so noticable when I get them. I focus on this area by exfoliating twice a week...even exfoliating night creams are nice, and you should always go to bed with moisture on your face or any where you have/get breakouts. Moisturizing is so important for every reason. 

Ingredients with vitamin C will do wonders for your issues. Check out my review hehe

 I did have great results when I used clindamycin once apon a time i think they were pads from my doctor. I also have just started using a retin-a moisturizer every other morning!    

The hormones present in is as teens often rear their ugly head again between the ages of 25 to 30, and again at menopause in some women. I know you can fight this as I have been! I hope this helps you some.   

Give the prescription Retina a chance and if you sleep on your side or stomach, change your pillow case every night. The peels will also help keep you from getting clogged pores. I would eliminate the BP because it does not really prevent as much as the Retina and Glycolic will. Lactic Acid is another option that is not as harsh as Glycolic and Retina. Just make sure you give the Retina a break for a few days before doing any acid peels.


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