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i've been battling acne for 10 years now. i've tried everything from different cleansers, clearasil, and various prescriptions. then 7 years ago my dr put me on Benzamycin. It cleared me up so so well and then two years later, a different dr switched me to Benzaclin, which is the same thing, jsut water based instead of alcohol based so it's less harsh on the skin. i still use it today and it's the only thing that has worked at all for me. i use it in combination with clinique's t-zone shine control pore minimizer to minimize oil during the day. aaaamazing

Originally Posted by b3rly /img/forum/go_quote.gif Hi, I was just wondering.. Was Accutane worth it? It obviously worked for you. But I'm hearing so many side effects and I want to know if it's worth all that. I just recently started taking Accutane (yesterday.. haha), and the whole blurred vision and back pains are kinda scaring me. Did you have those? Also, I heard it makes your skin less oily.. How was your experience with Accutane? You had blurry vision and back pain? I don't think that's right... I never had those. The only symptoms I had from that was more breakouts when I switched to the strong doses of accutane.
Originally Posted by xpaulinabearx /img/forum/go_quote.gif So last week, all of a sudden i broke out, and have 6 pimples on my cheek...I was just wondering what I can do to stop breaking out, and what are some good treatments for acne. And also, are there any ways I can get rid of my acne scars? Cause i've had them for a REALLY long time...some of them are severe, but most of them aren't.

Well, the breakouts will happen every once in while depending on hormone changes in the body.
I think rather than being dependent on how to remove pimples, you should focus on ways to prevent pimples from cropping up. There are several precautions one can and must take in order to reduce the rate of pimple growth. Some of the effective ones include avoiding consumption of oily food, and cleansing your face just with plain water many times a day.

Accutane is for very sever acne and it has side effects. Why don't you go for a herbal treatment.

There is something that only some salons sell that is called Vitamin C...It is pure vitamin C and I have seen it do wonders on my friends face who has horrible acne scars...Now her face looks flawless...Also I use a facial peel by Onsen which you can buy on there products have vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants..Oh and I also use their moisturizer its great for scars but I don't know how sensitive your face is, but if I were you I would give it a try...But for sure you should try their facial peel..

i used proactiv and that removed ALL of my pimples but i have some acne scar **ugh* i should have lisend to my momma

I have been battling with Acne for years... You should go see a dermatologist so that they can look at your skin and advise what is best for you..

Also drinks lots of water to clear out your system... It does help!!

Break vitamin E capsules open and smear the oil on the scar or buy Bio-Oil put these things on over night for they are quite greasy. Clean & Clear also makes a post acne spot treatment serum.

Acne is a skin disorder brought about by a malfunctioning of the gland which is responsible for the oil production in our skin, the sebaceous gland. It is generally characterized by pimples and zits and clogged pores (although some people refer to it as lesions). Over 20 million people in the US alone are reported to suffer from the skin disorder for over many years now. But everybody is prone to suffer from acne especially teenager and young adults. Acne does not only affect the face; it also surfaces on the neck, the shoulders, and the skin at the back, which may cause it to be a major embarrassment. The disease is classified into either severe acne or mild acne; the former causing major alterations in one’s skin and therefore leaving scars.
Since I was a teenager, I would break out. Not exactly bad acne, but annoying just the same. About 6 years ago (I'm 28 now) I was so stressed from work and life and started getting CYSTIC ACNE! It was so bad. I tried everything to get rid of it, I didn't go to a derm like I should have...but I did discover Clean and Clear Continuous Control facewash. This stuff is amazing! Cured my cystic acne, and I still use it to this day. It is a little strong, watch it around eyes and mouth, but I never get any pimples while using it. Sometimes I will try another type of Clean and Clear facewash (if I haven't had a zit in awhile because C. Control is pretty strong, and I want something less harsh) but for being so cheap, it's like a HG.

Also, Don't pick!I know it is hard not to! I did, and now I have pock marks on the side of my face. It really makes me upset. I use Clinique Even better skin tone corrector AND Bio-Oil. I feel like it helps a little, but mentioned above pock marks are the hardest to get rid of. I am actually thinking of getting the "punch" thing done to get rid of them. So keep your mitts off your face, so you udon't end up like me :)

Best of luck!

There are a number of reasons that might have caused your breakout. Find out what the cause is first then proceed. As far as the acne scars, use a cream that contain acid such as glycolyic acid and AHA. Protect your face from the sun using a moisturizer with SPF. The sun can darken the scars.

Acne cleansers are so abundant, sometimes it's hard to find the right one. I used Shielo's Complexion Scrub (which is also Antiaging) as my cleanser, as my skin tends to get pretty oily and I need a better exfoliant in the summer.    This face wash is essentially a better alternative to ProActive, as it has some similar ingredients but works more effectively. It foams perfectly, which is nice to find in an acne cleanser. This also really helps reduce oil. Sometimes the large grains in this wash can feel a little harsh, so I wouldn't recommend using this facial wash twice a day, as it could potentially damage the skin if used too frequently.    However, as a once in a while exfoliant, it works great to get my face squeaky clean and remove impurities. The cost is pretty comparable to most of the good cleansers out there, and the big bottle lasts a while. I like the design, as I usually have no problem getting all of the cleanser out of the bottle to avoid wasting money. Try it - it might work for you, too!
You should find out why you have a sudden outbreak of acne. Stress, food intake (especially fast food), environmental pollution etc? 

If the problem persists, seek the help of a dermatologist. Good ones are usually able to determine the causes and help you with cures without making you feel uncomfortable. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />



I agree you should know you've flared up so suddenly. Acne can show up due to various reasons such as stress, hormone inbalance or allergies.

If it's hormone inbalance, then you'll need antibiotics. However, I agree with previous posters that mentioned Roaccutane (Accutane for US citizens) should be the very last thing tried. I was on that thing when I was young because the dermatologist said so but the family doctor listed all the side effects, which prompt my parents to panic, ignore the dermatologist (and the money they had spent already) and just ask for another thing altogether. So the doctor put me on a special type of pill for acne. It is called Diane 35, popular in Europe, but not so in the US and Canada (I don't think it's even sold there) but you can ask for similar products anyway. It has side effects too. The most troublesome was the blood clot one, but I was on blood thiners too (some insufficient blood circulation), this isn't a problem for me at least. I did get fatter though.

I'm also on Avène's Cleanance line for three months (no Diane-35) and I must say it works too! Especially that Cleanance K thing. I'm not sure about the TriAcnéal (?) but I'm actually going to buy it tommorrow after seeing some reviews online to take care of menstrual break-outs. However, these things are very personal. I've found out I should not use the toner very often, because my pores are already quite tight as it is and the moisturiser / sunscreen doesn't penetrate the skin if I use it, leaving a gross film instead. However, there are people that defend the use of a toner to take all the oil. It works for them, but not for me. You should take this into consideration when seeing raving reviews about something but then trying it yourself and getting worse.

1. Strawberries/Strawberry Leaves
Ancient Egyptians scriptures show that they used wetted strawberry leaves to treat skin deceases.

2. Herbal Tea Acne Formula
Make a solution out of the following:

2 parts Red Clover
2 parts Dandelion Root
1 part Echinacea root
1 part Alfalfa leaf
1/2 part Capsicum
Apply the paste on your acne affected skin. This formula has shown to have given great results.

Let me know, it works or not...

When I was receiving a facial several years ago, the esthetician suggested I try the Made from Earth line of products. (And she wasn't trying to sell it to me because they didn't stock this).    I tended to have issues with Adult Acne - annoying large cysts along my jawline and they seemed to last forever. Within a short time of using Made from Earth's Grapefruit Glycolic Scrub, they stopped appearing and I just won't go back to using anything else. I have been using the Grapefruit Glycolic Scrub and the Vitamin Enhanced Moisturizer for at least 3 years now and my skin looks and feels so much better! And the nice side effect is that I don't tend to use as much concealer or base makeup because I don't need to cover much up. For anyone with Adult Acne issues, I recommend trying Made from Earth products. Hope you are as happy with the results!
You should really do your own research on acne treatments so you can make an informed decision.

I can tell you from experience that any acne treatment has its disadvantages. The best cream I got from a dermatologist is Clindoxyl Gel; it's a topical treatment with a combination of 1% clindamycin phosphate and 5% benzoyl peroxide that is applied to your face at night before bed. It needs to be prescribed through a dermatologist or doctor and it does cost a fair bit if you are not insured. The other important thing about this gel is that it's more of a preventative treatment and it needs to be applied sparingly otherwise it will dry out and irritate your skin. If you apply and use this product as prescribed, it is much more likely to make a difference within a couple weeks of regular use. The one thing I don't like about this product is that it bleaches anything it touches, so it's best to have just plain white sheets on your bed and pillow. Some good things about this product is that it doesn't have a strange smell and it doesn't sting at all when applied to active acne.

Personally, though, I still find it somewhat drying at times, so if I see my skin is a bit dry and flaky one day I will use a natural moisturizer (jojoba oil with some rosehip seed oil and lavender mixed in) on my skin to help compensate for the prescription's drying effects. If you moisturize your skin enough between treatments I find my skin looks a lot more supple, healthy and more importantly relatively acne-free.

I've had acne since puberty (age 11 or so). Here are some things that worked for me: 

Lemon juice as a toner

most cleansers containing at least 2% salicylic acid

exfoliating with baking soda once per week

facial cleansing wipes

Almay Clear Complexion liquid makeup

Drinking more water really helps clear up blackheads


If you are looking into pills, Tetracycline works for a lot of people. Eurithromycin was okay, but it really dried out my skin. Doxycycline had the best effect for me, but I ran out and keep forgetting to refill it. Some forms of birth control can also help with acne. 


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