Adding Images/Pictures to Product Reviews (UPDATED 3-10-2005)
You now can add images into your reviews just like you do on your notepads!
1. How to link to images outside of MakeupTalk reviews
(like from
- Go to website where you would like to get an image.
- Hover mouse over desired image and LEFT button click the image.
- After you LEFT button click the image, click the RIGHT mouse button - You will get a drop down menu.
- Slide down the menu and click COPY
- Return to your PRODUCT REVIEW window
- Place flashing cursor where you would like your desired image to appear and click the LEFT mouse button
- When you get the flashing cursor where you want it, click the RIGHT mouse button - You will get another drop down menu
- Select PASTE (you should now see your image)
2. Uploading images into MUT Product Reviews
- click on the ../editor_files/images/image.gif image from with your review
- click on "browse" button in upper right hand corner of the uploader
- locate your image from your local computer and double click the image
- click on UPLOAD, and wait until it uploads
- once uploaded, locate it on the left and click it once
- then hit OK and you should see you image in your NOTEPAD
- Hover mouse over desired image and LEFT button click the image.
- After you LEFT button click the image, click the RIGHT mouse button - You will get a drop down menu.
- Slide down the menu and click COPY
- Return to your PRODUCT REVIEW window
- Place flashing cursor where you would like your desired image to appear and click the LEFT mouse button
- When you get the flashing cursor where you want it, click the RIGHT mouse button - You will get another drop down menu
- Select PASTE (you should now see your image)