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Jul 9, 2005
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Okay, you guys are gonna be baffled, but I do not own one thing from mac. Nor have I ever even used anything from them. So after listening to all of you go on and on about mac, I am very intrigued and want to start using their line. When I lived in Oklahoma, we didn't have mac anywhere that I knew of. Now that I live in Missouri, our local mall has a counter. So my question is: What would be a good first purchase for me? I mean I have everything from other companies but as far as mac is concerned. Should I start off with some eyeshadows?

Yes, yes, and yes! You should defo start with e/s IMO. I think you should go to the Mac counter when they it opens in the morning so it won't be so busy. You can browse and pick
Many ladies like their blushes also. I haven't tried one yet but I might in the future if I see a color I must have
Good luck and have lots of fun!

Originally Posted by tashbash Should I start off with some eyeshadows? I have a few e/s, but I find that they're a bit hit and miss. I only really like the veluxe pearl finish, but it's all down to personla preference. I like the blush that I have (it's a sheertone one) and I like the lustre lipsticks. I like their eye kohl pencils and fluidlines too.
The e/s are a great place to start if you like colour. Though, as Lea said, the textures can be a bit hit and miss - saying that, the veluxe pearls are gorgeous!The Fluidlines are also great.

Go to the neares counter when it isn't so busy. That way you can check things out at your own place, and the SA's may also give you a bit more time.

"Spice" lip pencil-- a MAC favorite: everyone should own this pencil!

"Shroom" eyeshadow-- a shimmery beige perfect as an e/s wash and a browbone highlighter.

"Viva Glam V" (the lipstick)-- a neutral pinky-mauve.

"Smolder" eye kohl (black)- A perfectly smudgable (and versatile) smoky eye tool.

These products would be great to help you start out your MAC collection. (I know you only asked for one thing, but its hard to go to MAC and just buy one thing!!! lol).

Hope I helped!

I started out with lipglass as my first MAC purchase, and I'm glad I did!! However, that soon led me to the eyeshadows, then the eye kohls, blushes, etc.!! It's an addiction, but one I am glad to have, hehe!!
I think a lipglass and eyeshadow would be a great place to start!

you didn´t find a MAC counter in Oklahoma? I sorta lived in OK for 6 months (as an exchange student) and went back to visit twice after that. there is a MAC counter at the Woodland Hills Mall in Tulsa and I loved the MAs there, they were always very very nice to me.

nevermind *lol* I´d definitely try one of the e/s first since the whole line is so overwhelming and there are soo many things to try. and if you can get your hand on one of the Mineralize Skinfinished (pressed highlighter powder) you are not gonna regret it. they are usually LE but come back every once in a while and they always sell out fast.

Where about are you at in Missouri? I lived in Kansas / Missouri my whole life until 2 years ago when my husband had a job transfer to North Carolina.

Welcome to Missouri! I'm in Saint Louis!

As far as great MAC starters:

Lustre lipsticks are the best formula--moisturizing, slightly glossy/shimmery. Try VGV---great universal shade.

Veluxe Pearl eyeshadows (although all the eyeshadows are fun, some textures are better than others).

Fluidlines-the only liner I can apply correctly. You need a brush with it (pick up a cheap art brush at Michael's or other art supply places and you're set). Great colors and they stay put, even in yucky STL humidity for me.

Paints and shadesticks-both make great bases for eyeshadows to help them last without creasing and look great on their own.

If you are a lip person---lustreglasses are great and less sticky tho lipglasses have more staying power and color range but they are stickier. Very pretty tho.


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