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May 3, 2012
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I'm nell, I wanted to introduce myself and tell everyone a little bit about me.

I just turned 24 this month =o! Despite my age I'm not all that familiar with makeup and hair products. I know how to wear foundation and straighten my hair and properly take care of my skin.

Growing up I was a tomboy and spent most of my time playing video games and exploring the great outdoors so I could care less what all the other girls were in to. Whenever I did want my hair styled all my friends would jump to style my long blonde hair so I of course can't do anything more then throw it in a pony tail or curl it a little with a straight iron. 

But now I no longer live in a little town on the East coast, I live in LA! and the girls around here really know what they are doing when they go out for a night on the town.

It has come to my attention that I really have no idea how to wear eyeliner properly for my eye shape because I have always avoided wearing it due to oily lids giving me the dreaded panda eye. But not that I have finally found out how to keep it from running all over I can't find the eyeliner shape that looks good on me.

Could any of you ladies tell me what eye-shape I have and maybe give me some advice as to how to do my liner and shadow?

Here are some pictures I took a while back to show some contact lenses but they should do

Thanks guys and nice to meet you!!

Hello and Welcome!!
 Welcome to Makeup Talk! So glad you are here! 
This is a great place to teach, learn and discover new make up ideas, trends and upcoming beauty products!

Some of my favorite places to hang out in are:

Face of the Day Thread - Great place to pick up ideas!

Make Up Tutorial Thread - We have some pretty talented people here and I love watching tutorials!

Nail Talk - I love all things nails and this is a great place for inspiration

Fashion Talk - Clothes and Shoes and Handbags, oh my! Need I say more? 

If you need help or have any question, feel free to send me a private message! 

Hope you enjoy the boards! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Hello and thanks =D

Makeup tutorial and nail talk sound like the places for me <3

For some reason this post took a while to show up after I submitted it and It didn't include the pics I added on at the end. Oh well *shrug* Nice to meet you guys ^^

Hi, welcome to make up talk! I'm so happy you've decided to join us! If you have any questions, feel free to let me or any of the other mods know! 


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