And so it begins... The 4th grade! forums

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Feb 22, 2006
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Yes, Cyera starts the 4th grade tomorrow! I swear, it seems like just yesterday I was crying because she was headed off to Kindergarten! Oh, the days when it seemed simpler! Cause now I start thinking about how she'll be in the 6th grade when Kylie starts Kindergarten, and I wanna cry all over again LOL!

And let me tell you! This poor child is about 4'7" and already wears a size 6! WTF! YES! I'm only 5'2" wearing a damned size 8! Her dad is about 5'11" though, so I reckon it only makes sense. But damned! My child has some boats on her feet! LOL!

So, we begin with the harder math, dressing out for PE... And she wants to know if she gets a locker! LOL! Insane! And, for the first time, she'll have a male teacher. He's apparently an awesome one, so I'm not too worried there. My co-worker's SIL is the principal, and they both think he'd be a great match for her given her personality and "hyper" attitude. So, we'll see!

Speaking as a male substitute teacher, I think its great that students have male teachers at an early age. Its funny, but small children often have no exposure to a male authority figure and with our deeper voices and usually (not in my case) larger bodies we can be scary. I think kids need exposure to men and women in all sorts of rolls. Good luck--4th grade really felt like growing up to me when I was a student.

Originally Posted by Ohappydayes /img/forum/go_quote.gif Aww, your baby is going to 4th grade! I know how you feel, my baby started 3rd last week and I feel the same way every year...all tearful. Breana would be starting 4th grade this year if her birthday wasn't late. Cut off here is Oct 16 and she's a New Year's Eve baby.

Our girls sound a lot a daughter is 4'6" and wears a 6.5!!! I'm 5'8" and wear a 10 and her dad is 6'2" and wears a 12. We're not even going to talk about my dad - 6'5" and wears a 13! So yea, I know boats!

Have a great school year!! I'm sure she'll
her new teacher!

Cyera loves her teachers every year, so I'm sure that won't be a problem at all. Thankfully... As of yet! LOL! Kylie's gonna be the tiny tot her entire life. She still hardly even wears a 2T, and she turns 3 on the 11th (yes, that day)! The doctors don't think she'll ever be over 5'0"!
Originally Posted by JennyMcL /img/forum/go_quote.gif Speaking as a male substitute teacher, I think its great that students have male teachers at an early age. Its funny, but small children often have no exposure to a male authority figure and with our deeper voices and usually (not in my case) larger bodies we can be scary. I think kids need exposure to men and women in all sorts of rolls. Good luck--4th grade really felt like growing up to me when I was a student. Yeah, it is better for them, IMHO, to be exposed to male teachers sooner rather than later. And it does give them another male authority figure. I've already told her she'll have more responsibilities this year as far as getting herself ready in the AM and PM, so we'll see how that fairs! It'll be so much easier not chasing her to brush her teeth and shower!
Congrats to her and I hope she has fun!!!!!!!!!! Did you have fun in Wally World (cant find my phone woman!!!!!!!!

Awww....hope she has fun! I don't know what I'll do when Aleda goes to kindergarten. I'll probably have a major meltdown! LOL....

I had alot of male teachers when I was young. From what my mom tells me, I guess they did it on purpose. My parents split when I was 7 and they wanted me to have male role models or some such crap. lol... I didn't know they did that until she told me. But...I had great male teachers then. I'm sure she'll do fine.

I'm teaching 4th graders now.

I've been with the same kids for 2 years now and even tho they aren't my own children, I feel like they are and I cry everytime we depart for Summer school. And their faces get so mature looking... it is pretty sad. Haha. So I know a bit how it feels...

...I hope you had a good talk with her about boys and gossip because I noticed this is the time where it gets serious with them and they learn about sex and other things from friends. Argh. Scary.

Awww, Aquilah, it's hard watching our babies grow up. Wait til your baby walks down the aisle and you're saying......"I swear it seems like yesterday that she started 4th grade"............hugs.

Originally Posted by Aprill849 /img/forum/go_quote.gif Congrats to her and I hope she has fun!!!!!!!!!! Did you have fun in Wally World (cant find my phone woman!!!!!!!!
) Well, dammit! You should've had it! We weren't in there too much longer LOL! Hightailed it because those were some a**clowns!
Originally Posted by CellyCell /img/forum/go_quote.gif I'm teaching 4th graders now. I've been with the same kids for 2 years now and even tho they aren't my own children, I feel like they are and I cry everytime we depart for Summer school. And their faces get so mature looking... it is pretty sad. Haha. So I know a bit how it feels...

...I hope you had a good talk with her about boys and gossip because I noticed this is the time where it gets serious with them and they learn about sex and other things from friends. Argh. Scary.

We actually had the birds & bees chat with her in the 2nd grade. She asked, and wanted to know. So, she knows all about sex, boys, and kissing. She's not one for gossip, and she's quick to approach others about their BS, so I'm sure she'll be good to go.
oh my goodness! 4th grade is serious business! congrats to you and your daughter! remember these times fondly. they just don't last long enough!

Well, Cyera's first day was a success! Unless you count her grandmother irritating the snot out of her as soon as she got home (yes, I do mean my wacko-nut MIL)!

Anywho! Apparently between the time I registered her and today there was a teacher change. She has a female, which is fine too. For some inane reason, they don't have orientation or open house BEFORE school starts in this school. I have no idea why not, but they don't.

Cyera made about 8 new friends, and one is a little boy who lives right here by us. So, she'll have a new playmate soon enough I'm sure. I'm only positive there's about a billion more friends to come LOL! Plus, she still has all of her little friends from her last school. So, it was a success LOL!

My daughter just started 4th grade this week, too! Her elementary school only goes K-4, so she's loving being one of the "big kids". She has a male student teacher she's already crushing on. LOL

I feel your pain about Cyera and growing too fast. Anna's 4'9" and wears a size 6 1/2 shoe!

Originally Posted by AngelaGM /img/forum/go_quote.gif Just think in just a few more years she will be driving! LOL, I was just thinking of that. Although, in New York, I think it's 18 to drive, so it's still a ways off. My mother said when that time approached for me, she thought she would surely have a heart attack. But it's many years later, and she's totally fine still.
I think 4th grade for girls is the beginning of when they slowly start to change out of their childhood bodies a bit, at least that was the way it was for me.

Originally Posted by Nox /img/forum/go_quote.gif LOL, I was just thinking of that. Although, in New York, I think it's 18 to drive, so it's still a ways off. My mother said when that time approached for me, she thought she would surely have a heart attack. But it's many years later, and she's totally fine still.
I think 4th grade for girls is the beginning of when they slowly start to change out of their childhood bodies a bit, at least that was the way it was for me.

Unless it's changed, John said you only have to be 16 for a license... You have to have held a learner's for about 6 weeks - 3 mths. He's not too sure. I'm not either.
By 4th grade, I was well into a regular bra... No more trainers for me LOL! We'll see what happens w/ Cyera.

awww congrats to her for starting 4th grade i think thats so cute she wants lockers lol oh and good luck to u!

Cyera found out she does get a locker for PE since she dresses out... And she's already brought home her first friend

I know just how you feel. My son just started third grade. It seems like just yesterday he was a tiny newborn and now, he seems so grown up!!! It really is a great age- you can talk to them just like little adults. But at the same time, I get teary sometimes because part of me wants him to stay little forever!!

Originally Posted by Aquilah /img/forum/go_quote.gif Well, Cyera's first day was a success! Unless you count her grandmother irritating the snot out of her as soon as she got home (yes, I do mean my wacko-nut MIL)!
Anywho! Apparently between the time I registered her and today there was a teacher change. She has a female, which is fine too. For some inane reason, they don't have orientation or open house BEFORE school starts in this school. I have no idea why not, but they don't.

Cyera made about 8 new friends, and one is a little boy who lives right here by us. So, she'll have a new playmate soon enough I'm sure. I'm only positive there's about a billion more friends to come LOL! Plus, she still has all of her little friends from her last school. So, it was a success LOL!

damn cyera has more friends's then me lol..

Originally Posted by Aquilah /img/forum/go_quote.gif Cyera found out she does get a locker for PE since she dresses out... And she's already brought home her first friend
yayyy for cyera having a locker and bringing home her 1st friend she must be one friendly little girl

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